Senegal - volunteering opportunities

Bonjour everyone. I am a trustee of a small Christian mission and development agency working in southern Senegal. Our main projects are:

a neighbourhood clinic with a dispensary, analytical laboratory and - jst about to open - a maternity suite

A work with street boys

A newly-opened kindergarten and primary school

an orphanage with currently 14 kids with room for up to 34

We have urgent need for a MIDWIFE who can train our local staff to European standards of care and particularly helping women to see childbirth as a positive experience, rather than something hidden and shameful;


houseparents for the orphanage

The first two are short to medium term vacancies, whereas the houseparents would have to commit for at least three years.

While we would expect medical staff to respect our Christian principles and ethos, they do not necessarily have to share our faith, but evidently the houseparents would have to be committed Christians

We are too small a charity to pay salaries so appliocants would have to have the support of a church or other organisation.

If you know of anyone who might be interested, or indeed would be interested in supporting or getting involved in our work, please contact me via SFN or at . Our website address is