SFN Traffic Stats

For those of you who may be interested in this, here is a summary of traffic on SFN over the past 30 days. As you can see we've just passed the 50,000 pageview mark for the first time since we launched in January. SFN has 530 members now, 62 having joined in the past 7 days alone! Please continue to tell your friends about SFN, I'm sure you'll agree it is proving to be a valuable resource for all involved.

Thanks for your support!


Well done and you’re sending a good number of people to http://www.facilitutors.com, so keep up the good work.

Expecting to hit 60,000 by next Monday! :slight_smile:

Thanks - time on site is excellent, really pleased with that!

That ‘Time on Site’ stat is great to see :slight_smile:

Well done guys - great stats which confirm that real people talking & networking is a winner in these days of anonymous forums! Keep up the good work :slight_smile: