Sim card

Just recently bought a smart phone. Any advice on best sim card to buy, please?

I am with I pay 19 euro per month and receive 1GB service on my smart phone, however I had a few phone calls to GB over a month and that month received a bill for 230 Euro.

Ahh yes 'Free' mobile.

You need to understand that there are 2 completely different types of mobile telephone networks. GSM and PCN. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), has the big tall masts that allow 20+ miles in any direction whilst PCN (Personal Communications Network), allows 20 miles in any direction. There has to be a lot more PCN masts that GSM because of how the system works.

GSM is the best. PCN was designed for towns and cities. SFR and Orange use GSM. Free and Bouygues use PCN.

I have a friend who lives outside of Gimont in the Gers and he can't get any signal unless he stands on top of his barn roof.

From personal experience, if you live in a rural area I would go with either SFR or Orange. Free and Bouygues if you live in a large town or City.

I surrender - my typing is being turned into gibberish - though hard to differentiate from my wooly thinking

retype big by me got lost - Bottom line Seems good and easy to do Even with my Lack of french

PS just found their standard terms with list of countries

Appels illimités vers les mobiles en France métropolitaine, Etats-Unis, Canada, Alaska, Hawaï, Chine et DOM et vers les fixes en France métropolitaine et de 100 destinations (1)

(1) Açores, Afrique du Sud, Aland (Île), Alaska, Allemagne, Andorre, Angleterre, Argentine, Australie, Autriche, Bahamas, Bahreïn, Baléares, Belgique, Bermudes, Brésil, Brunéi, Bulgarie, Caimans (Îles), Canada, Canaries (Îles), Chili, Chine, Chypre, Colombie, Corée du sud, Corfou, Costa Rica, Crête, Croatie, Cyclades, Danemark, Ecosse, Espagne, Estonie, Etats-Unis, Feroe (Îles), Finlande, Gibraltar, Grèce, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guernesey, Guyane française, Hawaï, Hong-Kong, Hongrie, Iles Vierges américaines, Inde, Irlande, Irlande du Nord, Islande, Israël, Italie, Japon, Jersey, Jordanie, La Réunion, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Macao, Madère, Malaisie, Malte, Man (Île), Mariannes du Nord (Îles), Martinique, Mayotte, Monaco, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Panama, Pâques (Île), Paraguay, Pays de Galle, PaysBas, Pérou, Pologne, Portugal, Puerto Rico, République Slovaque, République Tchèque, Roumanie, Russie, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, San Marin, Sardaigne , Sicile, Singapour, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse, Taïwan, Thaïlande, Trinité & Tobago, Vatican et Venezuela.

SMS illimités depuis les DOM et la zone Europe (2) vers les clients des opérateurs mobiles français.

(2) Zone Europe : Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, Gibraltar, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Norvège, Pays Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République Tchèque, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie et Suède + Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. (3) Liste des Pass Destination : Pass Destination Allemagne, Pass Destination Autriche, Pass Destination Belgique, Pass Destination Canada, Pass Destination Croatie, Pass Destination Espagne, Pass Destination Grèce, Pass Destination Irlande, Pass Destination Israël, Pass Destination Italie, Pass Destination Pays-Bas, Pass Destination Pologne, Pass Destination Portugal, Pass Destination République Tchèque, Pass Destinat

Do you know if Australia is on the 100 countries list

BTW I have had this for over 12 months as I continually lost credits on the others use it or lose it approach. I dont make a lot of calls but seems OK so far


Spot on, dear!

I can just imagine Bruce running around shouting "I'm free" LoL

Definitely FREE

2 euros a month, and 120 minutes free calls in France and to over 100 other countries...
