So sad, young English guy killed by hunter

I’m not sure anyone is suggesting “pots shots at anything that moves”…

As I have said… very sad situation.

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Alex… have you made contact with your local Chasse…

There are 3 different Chasse in our commune and each keeps to a certain area and advises locals within that area if/when they are due to be out and about.

You might find it useful to make contact with yours, if not done so already.

(and, as I have mentioned, high-viz is a good idea).

Fluorescent orange gloves, and occasionally a hiviz jacket.

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No, I haven’t Stella. I feel I should be allowed to live my life on my land without some gun-toting nutter taking potshots in my direction simply because he sees something moving within range. As the local hunt organization around here mainly hunts with dogs, we can hear them coming a mile away, so we generally start making lots of noise and make ourselves extremely visible :grin:
What I’d like to do is buy the land behind us where the wood is and ban hunting from it, but I can’t see that happening unfortunately.

Ah… sounds like you’re well organized… :+1: :+1:

Does anyone know please if that applies to an individual house on its own in the country? Just that last weekend we had two hunters (not locals) with eight dogs at the bottom of our garden, walking along our neighbour’s field. The dogs were running on our land (lawns and trees, not woodland). I gave them a mouthful, (I think I mean earful :upside_down_face:) but it would be useful if I could quote some numbers at them should they have the temerity to come back.

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We’ve literally just had the same occur this morning, with 2 out of 4 hunting dogs (the other 2 were on a leash being trained for tracking by another hunter) coming into the garden, running around, whilst their owner skulked in the field next door. I came out to politely remind him that it was his duty not to allow his dogs run over my garden, and was given a hail of abuse, with a muttering that I should install a fence to keep them out (we already have a barbed wire fence, and a hedge with a ditch). I replied that I would be taking the matter up with the “Fédé”, at which he hurled more verbal abuse in my direction.

This is my first direct run in with this local chasseur, but it is not the first time their dogs have intruded onto our property. I shall be contacting the mairie during the week, and the Fédération de Chasse, although I don’t expect much will come of it, if that’s the attitude that the locals have.

I joined at 16 and on the streets at 17.5 years which was the min legal age to do so at that time.

If it is an ACCA hunting area then

L’article L. 422-10 du Code de l’environnement prévoit en effet que les terrains situés dans un rayon de 150 mètres autour d’une habitation ne peuvent être soumis à l’action de l’association. En conséquence, sauf autorisation préalable des propriétaires, on ne peut pas y chasser à moins de 150 mètres.

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Irene, abolition of hunting isnt the way to go. Better and more intensive costly training is the way round this,
thereby reducing the (as Vero mentioned) the intellectually reduced tosspots, down to a fewer, more intelligent sort of hunter, who doesnt blast away for the sake of it and also has a regard for the nature and its neighbours.

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Did you read the whole petition or just the headline?

I read the whole thing, and when i see the headline and petition i tend to turn off. My comments still stand. As i dont have a French hunting licence i dont know the level of training or instruction involved to obtain one.

The whole thing needs a radical overhaul -

Shorter season, maximum of three hunting days a week with set hours, compulsory warning signs around the whole hunt perimeter, no hunting near main roads and better policing of hunts with stiffer penalties for infringements.

To help crop growers there should also be annual organised culls of deer and boar to keep the populations in check.

Unfortunately, hunting in France has a very powerful and political lobby behind it, including support (possibly opportunistic and politically expedient) by the incumbent President Macron.

If you read the whole thing then you will have seen that the petition is about reforming rather than banning hunting and the headline is unfortunate. They are at least attempting to raise awareness of the issues and suggesting solutions/reforms.
Izzy x

I don’t know about deer Tim but the ´culls’ of wild boar is determined before each season depending on location etc. Each Chasse will be awarded so many ´colliers’ which means they can kill that many wild boar, depending on size/ weight etc in that commune.

I was braced for a hail of shotgun pellets a couple of days ago when a friendly pheasant wandered into my garden. Luckily, the local gunmen must have been elsewhere, and the pheasant and I both survived.

Yes, but he is only going to serve one year in jail.
Perhaps if the sentence matched the crime it might make people a little less trigger happy and take pot shots on the off chance it might be a boar.
Aside from which, shouldn’t they be shooting to kill the boar rather than just wound? In which case they would need to be able to see what they were shooting at.

In my opinion the sentence should be related to genuine remorse. Round here a guy tried to kill/shoot his friend he suspected of having an affair with his wife. His 5yr manslaughter sentence was reduced to 18 months without him having the slightest remorse.