
It is a bit of an ‘arms race’ battling spam on both Ning and many other online networks.

Ning is trying to keep on top of things, see:

An Update on Spam Prevention

If you do see something that looks suspicious you can delete some messages, or Report an Issue via the link in the footer area of the site.

Very often though Ning will have marked up the spamming account as such and usually delete it.

Hope this helps.

I have had similar spam on other forums, its not just specific to SFN. I have also had the “we will give you 10% of 50 million dollars” type spam as well.

Most of it gets filtered one way or another, but some inevitably gets through.

Me too!!!

Glad to know I haven’t been specially selected and it looks like we all got this one!!

Hi I only joined here this afternoon, and I too have received this rather odd message too! Is this usual here???LOL

I got the same email, as you say what is the mad bint up to,

i got the same so i imagine everyone will have had it. How can we stop this happenning ?