Swimming pool ummmmmm

I’m with some of the others, although mine is nowhere as big as @Griffin36 's and was not built as a pool in the first place, it is a wildlife haven in amongst the trees (so no evaporation in summer) and I can swim in it too. Best of all, no chemicals, no pumps and no maintenace apart from leaf skimming in the autumn. :smiley:


@SuePJ thanks for sharing - really interesting and absorbing video :+1::+1: and what an amazing variety of wildlife he managed to capture - delightful!

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Have a look at ‘natural swimming pools’ lots of ideas how to keep bug free and you can still swim when hot!

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95 m3.

The brico javel is 9.6% chlorine so for ease call it 10% so 950ml or a litre to make it easy will give you 1ppm 2 litres, 2ppm etc

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Another thought after speaking to a friend today, as they reminded me of the additional cost paid in taxe foncieres for a pool. I’d be interested to know if anyone knows how much having a pool adds to the foniceres bill???

It depends a bit on your commune but not as much as youd think in a lot of cases €125-150 pa but happy to be corrected by others who know more, its been a few years since I built a pool now.

Wow that’s quite surprising - I expected it to be a little more than that actually - hopefully there are others who can pitch in.

we have not used the pool for a couple of years and despite a poolcover it has turned into the
'frog party pad ’ of the entire village.
Noisy buggers, all through spring and summer… no mosquitos though.

this summer they will get evicted - I rather have a pool party for friends and family

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Swim (and sing) with them, they’ll do you no harm, pas mechant. That’s what I do . :rofl:

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I will swim with them … its the 3 oclock parties and singing I object

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Yay fun times!