Tax d'habitation refund?

Not being able to get to visit our holiday home in the South West of France due to covid 19 restrictions. Is it possible that a refund or reduction of tax d’habitation maybe available this year, especially for us poor Brits stuck in the UK.

Seems unlikely that there would be an abatement of Taxe d’habitation or of Taxe Foncière. In much the same way as districts in the South West of the UK would be unlikely to offer a refund on the Council Tax duee.

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Why? You still own the house presumably?


Well French people don’t get reductions, so I don’t see why English people should!


Why indeed?

Be thankful you have a holiday home to visit once life starts to get back to normal.

Oh yes we had a hornets nest once I used frontline spray worked a treat. Now where is it?

Doesnt work on here :joy:

That’s better, all quiet now, hope my UK reg car is still able to start in Bergerac :star_struck:

I’m puzzled - you ask a question where a moment’s reflection would have provided the answer and then tell us that we’re all angry hornets in need of extermination?


Might I suggest we all step back… there are lots of other things we could be doing… :wink: :upside_down_face:


I’m listening to the Senate … much more fun… :frowning: :crazy_face:

As I don’t live in the UK anymore, please can I have all the tax I ever paid there back again please?
No, on reflection, didn’t think so :upside_down_face:


What a strange request? If you didn’t want to pay tax, why join the club?

Thread muted.
If someone has something sensible and beneficial to say on this thread, perhaps alert me by PM please.


Thank you, I didn’t realize that asking a sensible question would bring so much hate out of so few, who should know better.

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Funny such similar subjects appear so close together

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I don’t think there was any ‘hate’ displayed - just complete and utter incomprehension. Personally I read your post and laughed out loud.


I see you don’t know better

Many of us have money invested in things that we have to continue paying for but cannot access or use. We are all in this together.


Who are you replying to?