Tax for Renters

… am i right in thinking…

If you’re renting a house, you pay the Taxe d’Habitation & the property owner pays the Taxe foncière

Both taxes are due to be paid at the end of the year, BUT they are based on the owner and residents as of January 1st of each year.

The taxe d’habitation bills (should) have already gone out - and technically should be paid by whoever was living there on January 1st - which isn’t us - as we moved in at the end of may this year… yes?

also… how do i find out how much it will be - so we can be prepared for next year?

(is it the Maire? - after 6 months here i pretty much add this to the end of every question)

x t

thanks Andrew… i’ll wait for a rainy day (!) and head centre d’impots-wards
x t

Yes the owner pays the taxe foncière and the person actually living there pays the taxe d’habitation. It should qo straight to the person who was living there before you who would have filled in his tax return saying that’s where he/she lived on 1st Jan… in theory!

no you need to go along to your local centre d’impôts who deal with everything :wink: