Tennant has only given One Months Notice not Three due to Illness and Loss of Occupation

Our son has rented an unfurnished appartment away at University to which as parents we are the guarantors. However, due to medical illness he had to completely stop studying and come home to get better. He gave the agency one month’s notice to end of January back in December. This he has provided by a Doctor’s certificate which states that he was unable to continue on his own and sent courier recommandee. Our understanding was that he had to loose his job, forced to change job, be on RSA or be over 60 years old and ill. In our view his occuption as a student was known and he effectively lost this involantarily due to server illness. There is nothing about a STUDENT losing his studies due to illness, but we saw is as his occuption/employment.

Can anyone advise what the situation is for a landlord and tennant in this case. We have paid our rent up in advance, however, although an etat des lieux was originally arranged for the end of the month notice date the agent at the 11th hour told us that they will only come at the end of the what they said is legal notice being the full three months. We have returned the keys to their office and took photos of the state ourvelses, being in the same state and very clean. Cleaner than we found it.

We are got a letter from the agent dated 19 Feb as garantors demanding payment and that legal action will be taken if not paid by return. I noticed that it was not sent courier recommandee.

Should we let them take the one month’s depot or should we settle up in full and expect to get the depot back?

Obviously at the moment our hands are full helping him out get over his illness and back to normal.

Any views?

thanks Shirley, I will look at that site. I hope you next rental goes asyou wish too.