That political discussion with occasional humour thread

I can just imagine the conversation: “I’ve had hundreds of little people like him working for me, how dare he express his opinion like that? I want him fired, now!”.

Right up there with “Do you know who I am?!”

Hum. Wondering why whistleblowing rules didn’t protect him from speaking out on a safety concern.

I know this feeling as I’ve just had another bout of being sneered at and put down by another British ‘establishment’ individual on another forum when a little person, particularly a female, can’t possibly be right pointing out a fact that’s inconvenient to the mainstream establishment, and that person must be eliminated.

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See my post about ruling the world.
You can join me.
Mothers care more about what happens to their sons and family than personal power.

I seem to recall seeing something rather like that here too recently, though to a male.

As for whistleblowing rules, that’s the one thing that makes me wonder if the story is really as presented. It should not be possible to sack a whistle blower unless they are guilty of misconduct in a different area.


Management has a female co-worker make an inappropriate behaviour complaint against the whistleblower and arranges for witnesses to support complaint.

HR goes #believeallwomen

Whistleblower fired.

Since Gareth Dennis did’t fall for the old confidentiality agreement ploy, he’ll be able to challenge his dismissal through the usual channels.

Judging by the simple fact that Systra’s UK senior management are so thick that they didn’t even think to take down the press release below from their website praising the employee they have just fired for cause, I think he stands a good chance of winning :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

" Michelle Flint, Discipline Lead (Systems) at SYSTRA, said: “All of us in the team are extremely proud of Gareth. His warm personality and depth of knowledge together with his ambition for the rail sector have allowed him to make a real impact since joining SYSTRA a few months ago.

“The YRP Distinguished Service award is well deserved and acknowledges his remarkable journey so far and his above and beyond contribution to the rail industry. We are privileged to have Gareth in our Signature Team at SYSTRA and will enjoy supporting his growth and watching him blossom further still.

Until we fire him :scream:

Systra’s a French company, who’s shareholders include SNCF, RATP, and various banks. A good kick up the arse may be winging it’s way from the HQ in Paris to the UK CEO, Nick Salt, for causing all this unnecessary kerfuffle.

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They’ll settle, surely? Reputational damage too great.

They’re in damage limitation mode now Karen. The CEO and HR director need a good taking to, it should never have happened and the political angle makes it all the worse.

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The French way to deal with troublesome employees who haven’t been caught breaking French law on the company’s time or premises is to give them a desk in a quiet corner somewhere and just make them responsible for something very simple whilst maiming their salary as per their previous role in the hope they get bored and quit in due course.

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Would have been a smarter approach in this case too, unless Hendy did want a head to roll. They would have been better served taking Hendy on if he was threatening their ability to tender. Such a threat would have been a grave error of judgement.




Very funny, but the trouble is there are enough dingbats who will take that seriously and vote for the clown. :worried:

It’s actually not a joke, the clown did use two Tic Tac boxes to “explain” inflation…

What’s wrong with that? I use common domestic pipe sizes to explain internet connections all the time, I just don’t have any pipes to hand when I do it.

He is though playing to redkneck fraternity - although if it were me, I’d be afraid a tic-tac analagy might even be over many of their heads :rofl:

Probably someone used that analogy to explain it to him, then it was the only way he could remember it :slight_smile:


It’s not even an explanation for inflation, it’s shrinkflation. Like paying the same salary for an idiot president as for an intelligent one.

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