The estate agent marketing my house called me a connasse

Oh sorry Véronique I hadn't seen your reply to Sarah before I wrote my suggestions. Oops.

That's what I wanted you to see for yourself ;) So it's more "official".

Presumably because they are worried that Johnny foreigner will run off with incunabulae & eg the winged victory of Samothrace, pffffffffffffffffffffff

Hi Sarah

That's not bad at all but here's a few small details corrected - if already sent, no worry.

"je ne souhaite plus que ma maison reste à vendre avec votre agence." : je souhaite retirer ma maison de la vente par le biais de votre agence.

" que j’étais troublé par le comportement de Mme xxx"

que j'ai été troublée par le comportement déplorable de Mme xxx...

DON'T forget to send your letter " en recommandé avec accusé de réception" or it won't be taken into account.

!!! Also, this letter needs to include the ref number of the contrat de mandat.

And finally, just in case she tells her boss it's a pack of lies from you just to get out of the contrat (which she is bound to do) : les insultes sont des diffamations :

(the 2nd link on the page says it all really). *Have fun*

Bonne chance !

That means only French people can become civil servants in the ministries of justice, defence, foreign affairs & the budget - and even then it is handled on a case by case basis. I don't find it shocking that jobs pertaining to strategic national issues should be restricted to nationals of the country, that is the case virtually everywhere. Getting on for 30 years ago when I left university the interesting bits of the GB civil service were closed to me because I have dual nationality. Positive vetting anybody??

Any EU citizen can be a fonctionnaire de catégorie A dependent on other ministries though.

Some FdcA jobs are open to absolutely anyone with appropriate expertise.

Especially this bit :

"Les emplois dits de souveraineté ne sont ouverts qu'aux agents de nationalité française."

That's how the corporatist Ecole du Louvre conservateurs du patrimoine hold up anyone getting to that level (catégorie A) - they say those posts are "emplois de souveraineté"....

Hi Véronique, it's very sad but true : here's the "conditions pour être fonctionnaire" :

Le protectionnisme à la française, c'est pas une blague :/

She is salaried and I am not the first person to have problems

I heard through the grapevine that her boss is waiting for a chance to fire her for faute grave but that is just hearsay; probably true!

She is not supervised as these insults happen after work and in the agency she is often alone as her boss is based in one of the other offices

Yes I should go and see him. As there was an insurance problem I want to also take a long a file I made up with my neighbours

There was a leak over a year ago and she didn't bother to tell me or do anything for her tenants. I found out the day they sent a mise en demeure

So there are a number of issues not least that for a year she marketed my house and could have sold it with a 'vice caché' as I was unaware of this particular problem

Oh and let's not the forget the day, mid summer when the whole world was at the bistro, when she screeched 'pourquoi as tu acheté cette merde?' As in my house is a renovation and she tries to make her living from one or two big sales of renovated country homes

As a translator I know all the naughty words....she also knows that even though connasse is not the worst is does translate as the C word in English

The letter will go registered etc and not to the office where she works as I know the boss is not often there and she is likely to sign and open it

Thanks for the good luck

Interestingly she is avoiding me and I have seen her only once, she was driving home and as she passed seemed particularly interested in looking at something on the other side of the road

I need to stand up to her otherwise she will just keep getting away with this behaviour

I can understand why others are scared...she can be really vile and does it all in public

Sounds horrific... Where I am in the Gard they are all useless. They all have excuses as to why they aren't selling/doing a bad job etc. They never ring you or spend any time forming personal relationships. Their photographs are awful, and most of the time they are at lunch. Take the house of their books and put it with a UK agency like Leggets.

We have bought and sold here 9 times, in 3 depts, and have come across good, indifferent (the norm) and downright useless agents. As a general rule, the ones who gave a good service were the agencies that ran a one to three office set-up. The useless ones were the mainly non-french 'agents' on a commission only 'keeping the wolf from the door' part-time folks who normally didn't know their areas well, how old french property and it's potential problems presented, who spoke limited french, worked to a 'formula' of land, rooms, etc, but sure could 'talk-the talk' whilst sadly unable to 'walk-the-walk'. The indifferent ones were those in country-wide agencies that hadn't yet twigged there's a recession and slump in the market on, and have a perfected gallic 'shrug' when complaints are received when, yet again, you are being shown something nothing like the brief, and yet another day is wasted....

Thankfully to date I've never experienced the top topic's problem, but have to go along with the advise to tackle matters head on with a letter, and visit to boss and, if necessary futher legal action. Bullies always have to be tackled at some point.

My OH works as an agent part-time. She has picked up on how many agents hereabouts have bad reputations but somehow manage to conceal it from the agency owners. Remember that many of the agents are 'freelance' (AEs) therefore are hardly supervised at all and get away with any number of things that would not be tolerated if they were fully employed and closely supervised. Some do succumb to stress and the amount of work it requires to get sales but then there are others who are clearly not suited to the job.

Take it up with the agency proper.

Go the letter & chat route - have the chat first so you can say (eg) you will get an official letter on Monday or Tuesday - & when talking you can say very calmly: son comportement dépasse les bornes, c'est insupportable, je ne vous confie pas ma maison à vendre pour me faire insulter, normalement je fais la différence entre la relation personnelle et la relation professionnelle mais là cela n'est plus possible, je regrette etc etc. The message will be very clear.

Was thinking about a RDV - plus I could do it at another agency at they have three offices

The texts are saved and I can email them to my pc no problem

Plus I have a dossier on her mishandling an insurance claim between myself (a seller) and my neighbours (tenants she manages). She never insults on company letterheads nor on her office mobile but in this case she went onto facebook and tore strips off my neighbour in a private message.

She does a rubbish job but then goes around blaming everyone else

Go & talk to the boss at the same time as sending a letter with accusé de réception - that way you can be purely factual in the letter (I'm taking responsibility for selling my house away from you) and explain in the conversation exactly why, with your mobile messages as evidence for what you say.

Thanks Véronique

I have been jigging the wording

My French to English translations make me a good living but as a non native speaker I prefer to pass letters such as these under the noses of fluent speakers

This one is different - she has had this reputation since childhood

She is banned from a number of establishments

Problem is not just the drink but the pills she takes too (prescription drugs). She explodes

Me too

Undecided as if I send this letter she will make me her No 1 target, but if I just send an end of mandate letter without the complaint she will have got away with bullying. Again