The Raw Prawns

If you see someone late at night, near the River in London, and they are struggling with a guitar case, you are never too sure what's going to be inside, but if they drop it over Vaxhall Bridge, it's a pretty safe bet it wasn't a Martin D60.

If you are in a Café, in down-town Chicago, and four guys leap out of a car, and rush towards the door brandishing violin cases, is it likely to the string section of the jazz band running late? GGulp down that coffee and go chil'.

The beauty of France is that musos, carrying their kit, are either going to going to a GIg, or are up for one.

Marc and Ron, that's me the fuller figured one with slightly less hair, set up the gear in the pub, plugged into their PA and Rocked the night away.

Raw and semi-rehearsed the name for duo for the night and subsequent gigs was The Raw Prawns.

I daren't say Too much abut Mark, he was moonlighting from his day job in Oz with a Highly succesfull ...ooops I've said too much already.

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