Our lovely Labrador ruby, aged 13 years has been at the vets for over a week. She has a problem with her kidneys and pancreas. Everyday she has been having perfusions and it seemed like she was making progress. Then last night the blood test wasn’t good, the vet told us to being her home as she would be happier in her own environment and we have just collected her. I know this is the end and am finding is so terribly hard …she has been the most wonderful friend and brought so much joy to our lives, For the past 20 minutes she has been
lurching round the kitchen and drunk a lot of water and eaten a little piece
of chicken and at last she has flopped down on her favourite carpet and is snoring.
We shall now be on constant watch with her and the vet said if she can’t get up, appears very listless and not drinking,then to call him. Those of you who have stood in my shoes will know how I am feeling right now. Normal life has temporarily stopped and I have a question.
When the inevitable happens, can we bury her in our garden? We are out in the country, no other house nearby only forest. At least we would still feel her presence close by. Please keep your fingers crossed for her, that she rallies and lives a few more months. Thank you
Annette, I've not posted before this because even miles away on a computer it is so upsetting - I can only imagine the distress you've been going through. I truly hope there is some sign of Ruby so that at least you know, are able to get her back home and aren't left constantly wondering which is probably worse, a continual pit in your stomach. We all need to say goodbye in our own way and I would see absolutely no problem with holding a quiet ceremony at home. That is exactly what I would do.
When we lost Bosun 13 years ago I asked at the Marie who said that for dogs under 50Kg it wasn't a problem to bury them on our land so he is down in the potager and has since been joined by two cats, the latest of which was just 2 weeks ago.
Karen thank you for your message. We are still looking and so are the neighbours. I feel she cannot be far away as her walking was so bad. How these dogs get Into our hearts…the house is so clean, no fur to sweep up, no muddy paw prints to clear up…her presence was everywhere and now it feels empty. We shall keep looking and I will post if we find her. Have a good Sunday afternoon
willow. Was lost in Aix en Provence Thursday afternoon she is a beagle cross black brown with a little white on her chest and a turquoise collar if anyone sees her.many thanks
Our aged Border Collie disappeared a few months back and after hours of searching and then some looking on the internet (why, I don't know) we read that they can take themselves off to find a quiet place to 'go' and so not cause those they are close to distress. After more searching under hedges and even in and along our small river we eventually found her (she had got her self stuck in the pantry and as she is almost deaf she couldn't hear us calling and banging things, she had got bored and fallen asleep in there...).
She is still with us, but we know that we will be facing a similar situation to yourself, possibly before the winter really hits us. I really feel for you. Poppy has been with us for 14 years and has been a constant presence wherever we have been. I hope you find or maybe have already found Ruby as it is bound to help if you can lay her to rest near to you and to places that she will have undoubtedly loved.
I've heard of this before - dogs running away from the 'home' when they are sick or dying. They hide away from pain or if they feel they are in danger and seek protection and solitude. I hope you find her in the end, but it's a sad way for you to lose her at the end.
Thank you Pam for your concern. No we haven’t found her. We have spent hours looking for her but she is well and truly hidden and there are just so many places she could have gone to. All around we have woods and its dense and there are lots of hiding places. I am going to tell the local hunt and maybe when they come with their dogs, they may locate her, We feel certain she is no longer alive but it doesn’t stop us constantly looking out for her in the garden …if we had been able to bury her then we could plant something and know she was close but as it is, it’s horrible, some people will think, oh it’s only a dog, but until you have one and experience the love, loyalty and friendship, they won’t understand.
Everyone has been so kind…SFN is great and all the messages do help us.
Have you found her ?
Many ((((( hugs ))))) x
our Labrador, Cassy went last year - it was very sudden and difficult. We buried him under his favourite fig tree - every time I go there I can see him with a smile on his face and sniffing the air for ripe figs. It's a time loving pet owners dread, but do remember all the good times you've had with her - that helps. Best wishes.
I'm so sorry for you, I remember what it was like when Jez, my dear old Dalmatian started going visibly downhill and I knew I had to treasure every moment because there weren't going to be many more. As my mother said, our precious friends don't live for nearly long enough and each time one goes I wonder why I put myself through this. Then I realise - it's because they enrich my life so much.
You aren't allowed to bury humans in the garden but dogs - well even if you aren't, who is going to know? We buried my beloved Plum, another Dalmatian, in our garden in our first French house a month before we moved. The new owners (French) were most respectful and promised to keep the lavender bushes we'd planted around her in good order.
Thinking of you - and of Ruby who seems to have done what was best for her.
Perhaps it is the end of her life as you know it...
No more pain or suthering.
She is at peace.
Did ruby make the decision for me? Last night ruby tried to settle and lay down next to me. I slept next to her on the settee and she kept close, Around midnight she became very agitated and was panting heavily and tried to hide behind the furniture. Her legs kept buckling and she began to turn around in circles and she was desperate to get outside, I opened the door and she staggered down the stairs and went straight to a big bush next to the wall and hid there, I coaxed her out eventually and she lurched over to the barn and wedged herself between the stone wall and an ornamental ladder loaded with geraniums in hanging pots. No way did she want to come out of there so we turned on all the outside lights and left the barn doors open and the entrance to the house as well and left her alone for a bit. When we came back, she had gone. From first light this morning we have been searching for her but she could be anywhere. We have a very large garden and there is just forest all around. Checked all her favourite places but there is no sign of her. Did she know it was the end of her life and took herself off to die in peace as she has had a horrible week at the vets. We shall keep looking but I am not hopeful and it is a tragic end to almost 10 years of joy with her, Such a wise old dog, muchloved by so many people who knew her,
Thank you all of you who have left messages, it does bring a comfort to know that other people understand this sadness we are feeling.
Our 2 cats are buried in the garden close to the vineyard...
Maybe this is eternal love as the vines continue to grow with the seasons
and then rest untill they begin their new life.
No one ever disturbs thIs resting place as we have created a special spot...and they
have stone sculptured figures of cats at their resting place.
We take flowers from the garden area and they are always there with us....always.
Our thoughts are with you Annette, We also have been in this situation and you must do what is best for her,
as tu burying her in the garden I see no problem with that, I have buried our pets here and planted flowers around the plot, makes them seem a little closer,
Bon Courage
Our pets become our very best friends bringing us love and sincerity.
it is a painful time for you but remember that your dog has had a long and happy life.
You have given your dog such happiness...she has been a lucky dog.
She will always live in your thoughts.
And she would want you to give a good home to another dog some time soon.
Thank you Pam for your kind words its 11 pm and ruby is panting and so restless and her legs keep buckling.she wants to go out but I can’t let her as she can’t manage the stairs and I can’t lift her as she too heavy. This will be a long night but I now know that I have to call the vet tomorrow and that the time has come. Will post again in the morning. Sleep well x
Thinking of you Annette. Certainly Ruby will be more comfortable to be at home with her family.
I don't know if you can bury pets in the garden, but I don't think I could bring myself to bury my dogs in the garden due to past experience. We are not fenced and were constantly troubled with predators, which was most distressing. I don't mean to upset you but just to make you aware.
Keep strong
Oh Annetta I know exactly how you feel after losing a 17 and a 9 year old german Shepherds and currently have a 16 year old dalmatian who is also on her last legs .... each one has broken my heart but the joy they have given me over the years more than makes up for it, Yes of coarse you will be by her side now and life will be on hold while you do what you can to make her last days feel loved .... My heart goes out to you and I have a tear in my eye just thinking how you must be feeling . If you want to talk or cry by PM please contact me.
I dont know if you can bury your dog in the garden ... but I know no one will stop me from keeping my girl when he time comes... My french neighbours have two dog graves in their garden so I cant see its a problem...
Keep your pecker up and dont let her see you sad ... she wont know why, best of luck to her x