Time for new adventures

With winter approaching there is a little more time to contenplate changes, adventures.

Plan something for Spring.

Perhaps a new project.That is what I am doing...

Could be anything from setting up a Crech ( REGULATIONS I am sure)
Maybe growing veg and selling delivered boxes to other people.

Getting a band together

creating xmas cards

setting up art galleries exhibiting your art/matched with wine tasting or

something else.

Learn how to cook/flower arrange or take a reflexology class.

Create your own special jam elderberry and pear....FOR INSTANCE

or raspberry and rose..

Organise a fete for spring with the help of your local Marie.
Get all the locals to give up all those unwanted presents which

have been buried in the barn.

Teach English to your French friends....if they would like to learn.

I am sure that you can think of so much more.

Then, perhaps come here to write about your knew experiences.

But why not?

Hi Barbara. Thanks for that, you've got my grey cells working over time now. Escape route from the office job, perhaps not, but food for thought.