Towns near Toulouse

Hi, we currently have a house in a relatively rural location in France and are investigating lively, accessible towns in the Toulouse area that might be suitable for a more permanent stay. On the basis that they are attractive, have plenty of facilities and restaurants, and have rail links to Toulouse, we are looking at options including Agen, Auch, Castres, Albi, Gaillac, and, further afield, Rodez or Villefranche-de-Rouergue. To be frank, though we love Albi, we would be keen to find somewhere with an attractive residential district in a central location, and we had some concerns there. It would be fascinating to hear the views of anyone living in or near these towns, or in other locations that might be contenders. Thanks in advance!

Villefranche is lovely on the surface but a bit of a hole, Rodez is vibrant but a trek to Toulouse, Gaillac good for Toulouse and like a mini albi, Castres good but will be better once the dual carraigeway is built. Albi best by a mile, unless you’re aveyronnais,then Rodez :rofl::rofl::rofl:, agen and auch off my radar

But like all towns, albi has its no-go quartiers :wink:

Many thanks Andrew


Andrew, in case you think I’m losing it, I’m going to post with town names in the header to see if I get more feedback,

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