Yet another offering from Simon Reeve, who (I note, with ill disguised envy) is being paid very good money for travelling the world, as the song goes 'nice work if you can get it'....
Posting this, because about half way through, he takes a look at the 'Immigration crisis' on Lesbos and then goes to Crete,,where he encounters gun toting shepherds, who feel they have unfinished business with Ankela Merckel & Germany.....and a place that is home to the 'Anarcist movement'.....& riots....
Had many enjoyable Greek island holidays, and enjoyed the programme immensely, but it is as Brian mentions just a snapshot in time, rather than an attempt to discover the depth of the Greek problem.
I can quite imagine some people changing their holiday plans after seeing it. Perhaps the Beeb will sell the programme to a German broadcaster…
Interesting but naive. I have spent many years travelling the world, but the money was not that hot most of the time and I had none of the off camera support of a team, good accommodation or any of the things he will have. Most of what I have seen has been superficial, sometimes nothing on official 'fact finding' trips. However, whenever I did fieldwork I learned that immersion takes ages and the kind of snapshot he is making needs to be pre-arranged and set up within budget guided schedules. Interesting to watch though.