Urgent Help Please. Tax des Impots

I am completing my Declaration des Impots on line for the 3rd or 4th time but for the first time without a paper declation to refer to. Try as I may I cannot find the correct box(es) to declare UK interest and UK dividends. Any help would be much appreciated!

8TR on the main form

No problem. Thankyou for taking the time out to help.

Sorry Paule, whole reply got muddled swopping from one of my forms to the other, which are copies of this years online Dec not made by me personally. when I tried to edit my reply to you, but hope you could make some sense of it!

Thanks for your reply

Thanks very much for your comprehensive reply. As I said I am doing my Dec on=line, but your reply has provoked me to find what I think is the correct box which i will complete before Tuesday's deadline.

Depends, whether you are declaring Pension, working income, interest on Dividends or interest etc., and I’m assuming you understand the French language.

Do form 2047 - DEClaration l’Etranger first.

page 1, Part 1. Has 3 parts.
Page 2, Part 1 I’m not sure!
Page 2, Part 2A for DIVIDENDS…
2B other income
page 3, - self explanatory.
page 4 V - top of page for non salaried professionals - the 3 parts of that you will see define professional source of income - declare as necessary.

The following parts ie. V1 and V11, hopefully are self evxplanetary to you.

I arived as a retiree so much doesn’t apply to me and I’m just looking the forms completed by my Asst Soc. here.

Carry your totals forward to form 2042 K pages 3 and or 4 as applicable.

Hope it helps a little.

Totals of 2 A+B+C…

…Carry totals forward to PAGE 1 on form 2047DECLARATION DES REVENUS A ETRANGER.

  • part 1 with 3 parts, for a) salaries , b) pension and or rental income from property.

are you declaring pension, working income, or interest dividends. I have my Paper form here
Page 2 - IV

Page 4
Form 2042K - Dec PREREMPLIE
De larTion

I'm not sure if there is a problem with the site/online declaration as try as I might I couldn't access where I had to declare my small income as a vdi (despite it all having been declared every quarter to ursaff) not much help but I ended up printing off the annexe form and doing a paper declaration. Even though the official deadline has passed you can still do a paper version. When I first met my French husband he had never filled one in himself (having been rattaché to his mother's declaration) I ended up doing one for him 6 months after the deadline