Urgent! Room needed in Bristol UK

SOS!!! Au secours!! Does anyone have any Bristol contacts please? One of my daughter’s friends is studying there and has nowhere to live - she is in a hotel at the moment and if she can’t find a room will have to come back to France. Please share far and wide on the off chance that someone wants a (very nice) French lodger until May. Thank you!!

Have asked members of Buddhist community in Bristol (where I am known) for help with simple lodging for your student, long shot but may yield summat :thinking::hugs::breast_feeding::two_women_holding_hands::couple::two_men_holding_hands:

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Thank you! And thank you to everyone else who has messaged me - she may well be sorted now - I have been overwhelmed with people’s kindness - even offering her family Sunday lunch!

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Great news, Cat.:hugs: