Virus/Vaccine News

interesting, if true…

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I find myself wondering what the practical application would be and also musing that there are lots of things which will kill Covid in vitro which you would not want to ingest, or even swill around your mouth (as aptly demonstrated by Trump).


Not withstanding the millions of oral bacteria which are your bodies first line of defence against so many other infections/pathogens.

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Interesting item on France 24 this morning - 2 insights stood out for me:

  1. The UK ‘Oxford’ vaccine is going to be priced at about a tenth of the price of the 2 most advanced American offers; and
  2. The leading Chinese vaccine has already been given to over a million people.

I just saw this in the Mail this morning:

Could it really be that we have been told untruths in order to further some dastardly agenda?.
My freind thinks so and he told me that this year, official figures are currently showing that there are practically no cases of the flu !. He suggests that in order to falsely inflate the covid figures governments are forcing medical agencies to rediagnose cases of flu into cases of covid.
Imagine if we are really being manipulated, crazy thought I know.

Geoff why can’t you just say it’s yourself that is saying all this and stop quoting a mythical friend
BTW it’s rubbish hasn’t it occurred to you that the measures to reduce C19 will also reduce flu

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What could the agenda be? If there is one then it is worldwide and countries are practically bankrupting themselves trying to protect their citizens and health services. Anyone who doesn’t believe this is real is seriously deluded.
Izzy x


There are a lot of people who are seriously deluded, probably because they do not bother to access serious reporting and rely instead on social media.


I agree Jane, you are so right.
People want an easy life and it is easier to take without question what the media feeds us rather than take the time to search out alternative sources of information - you know, those sources without a preconcieved agenda nor without anything to gain - citizen journalists I call them. That takes time, effort and guts and may cause us to change our mind and that would not be comfortable.
All the evidence is before our very eyes that this is a scam and yet we still conform, hide our faces from our freinds don’t hug our loved ones and are party to our economic and social decline.
(If this doesn’t get me banned I don’t know what will)

I wasn’t really going down the same line as you Geoff.
My thinking is all those anti-vaxxers and folk who believe that the white House is run by a cabal of paedophiles etc.


As I said before I will take my lived experience to decide what to believe

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We can all know what is happening in our little area of concern, but we do rely on honest and straightforward reporting to give us overall reporting of any situation.

Izzy I wonder that myself, I dont really credit those in power with the capability to engineer an agenda they are not that intelligent. But like sheep European countries have followed each other. Here we are still locked down and facing who knows what financially and life changes. Sweden bucked the trend, Florida did likewise after looking at real data. Worst of all the country where it started is open, back in business.

I saw this on Twitter today and it made me shudder. How do anti-vaxxers justify their stance when this sort of horror has been virtually eradicated by a vaccine?
Izzy x


Not an anti-vaxxer myself but I’ll wait for a couple of years before I get the C-19 jab.


Why’s that Warren? Do you think the safety is questionable?

My Doc’s advice is to wait… not to be the first in the queue… and I can go along with that…:slight_smile:

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Why Stella?