Voting in the Municipal elections

Is there ever any new mayors in your guys communes around here when I was looking around most of them have been holding the position for 30 years ore more and allot of them hade there family there before them maybe its because no one whants to run I don’t really now

I popped in to the Mairie this morning and was told the mayoral/council elections are at the beginning of March. I told the lady on the desk I’ve never had a voter’s card in four years, and she said she will ask her colleague to check, because it’s not her bag.

Our mayor has served for 30 years and his principal adjoint and treasurer is up for election to replace him. I think she’s a very worthy candidate and she will definitely get my vote. She led a series of discussion-cum-workshop type events recently, which looks like a forward-looking approach to take.

Yes, we will have a brand new mayor in next elections. And an incomer, and even more extreme for round here - a Parisien! His list (which I was asked to join but had to decline because of B… B…) is carefully balanced between old families who have been here for centuries and new ones. We are hopeful of some changes for the better.

Let’s hope you get the chance to vote for the adjoint, as the opportunity to do so is looking unlikely.

We have had a couple of voting cards in the last 20 years but generally they do not ask for them here or any other identification, but then, there are only around 108 people in the village and many of those are not old enough to vote.

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