Waterspouts and wild autumnal weather

Never seen one of these “in the flesh” when we were visiting … (probably just as well)

Look down the page and see the German one come in off the sea… aaaargh.

That looks… er… interesting @stella :smiley:

It was rather wild around here last night and forecast for today but nothing like that…

We’re way south and still got horrendous deluge this morning.
A friend was cowering for what seemed like ages… in his Mum’s doorway … waiting to leg it to his car.

Poor lad is driving back to Paris today (with frozen cepes carefully stowed in a freezer bag).

Now the deluge is reduced to drizzle and I’m quite happy with that…

Me too :smiley:

I’m astonished he/she just kept driving!

yep… not sure if I could have coped, as the road curved, so if I’d closed my eyes (even briefly, in panic) and soldiered on… we would have gone off the road… aaaargh.

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Well I took the dogs out tonight and found 6 kilos of cèpes! Always look on the bright side….!!