We Americans Love Everything French

The irony being that the word entrepreneur was coined by a French man and comes from 'entreprendre'....although totaly agree with you when you say the Gov likes making life difficult for us freelancers! If they carry on like this I don't think I will entrepreneuring for too much longer. Vive le CDI !!

swings and roundabouts. You get a pro UK president and pro US prime minister (Blair and Bush) and you get a different relationship...however, for my 'buck' its not about the leaders, its about the people on the ground and there is plenty of USA/UK envy...and in this instance, it is a two way street.

yes, I again agree that the logical, and even emotional partnership with America HAS to make sense - at least to the British, but I somewhat doubt the same applies to the current incumbent there. It seems to me that there is a deliberate snub to the Brits. at this moment in time from the USA.

yep....the David Niven school of manners has long since bitten the dust. We are not the nation of John Mills hero's with clipped English accents, opening doors for women and saving little puppy dogs who slip their leads. We are, sadly in my view, a very split nation a hefty portion who love a few hundred tattoo's, piercings etc. to the point where an employer wont even go there.

The other extreme the villages where the spirit is so unbreakable, they cope with half the households being 5 ft under water, with not an official organisation in sight, but still manage to 'save' the householders, provide them with a roof over their heads and food on their plates, with locals managing every aspect of the operations.

We are now a nation of 'individuals' more so than at any time in the past. However, most of the time a smile and good manners gets back the same. I dont see that things have changed so drastically in France....again, I believe its our closeness to the USA which decides our path.

Fair points Carol, Not having lived in the UK since Christ was a carpenter, I am probably not best quaified to judge from that side anymore.

I do think the French have a folkloric view (now) of the Brits. Such as sense of humour, courtesy etc., and know that my wife was shocked on a recent trip to London to find that was a fantasy. I am assuming the same or similar views on France also apply.

hmmm...dont actually agree with that....I think a lot of Brits envy what they perceive as a laid back lifestyle, shorter working week, less stress, better food etc...ie. they look at all the stereotypes of what its like to live in France and we are back with 'The Dream' scenario. Brits living in the UK dont see the other side, the red tape, the lower wages etc. So I agree there is UK envy of France. I am not aware that the French actually think much about the Brits or have any 'envy' and its not just the UK, I dont think the French generally envy other countries as a rule, I believe (and this is a huge generalisation) that they are not very outward looking. This isnt a critisicm, but I understand the French take more holidays than other Europeans but travel abroad less than most other Europeans. I think this is based on the belief that they have all that is required in France.

Carol, I think the term 'Love-hate' is the wrong one, but I DO think there has been en 'Envy-Respect' one that has traversed the past couple of hundred years - both ways.

If they have it they surely don't know what it means.

I agree....but then the Brits and the French have always had a love/hate relationship, so I guess it suits to forget what the Brits did. I have no wish to start world war 3 on this thread....but there is also the matter of Vel' d'Hive Roundup, which is also not commonly taught in French schools, nor the fact that there were concentration camps and internment camps in France before, during and after World War 2.

Having said that, my kids are all in their 30s and were taught about both World Wars, I have no idea what they teach children in UK schools now regarding this topic...not a lot if they think Winston Churchill is a nodding dog!

Carol I am currently writing a book on WW1 (followup to my big one on http://mosaicbooks.org ) during my reseraches a few years back I visted the Museum at Compiegne which is THE French Museum of the Great War.

I ended up in a huge row with the Curator over the almost zero mention of British troops or Britain generally. Only French actions (not the Mutiny of course) and American troops were mentioned, so much as I love this country it certainly doesn't blind me to the ability of the French to re-write History to suit themselves.

The current polemic I understand in the UK is 'Was Britain joining the War a Mistake'. A VERY interesting argument. Financially - yes it was a mistake, militarily - ditto and needless to say the slaughter was a blinding and appalling one. Tying the military to Joffre, definitely a mistake.

Stopping the Kaiser and rampant Militarism that would have followed a German victory, couldn't have been one, but whether the Brits with only seapower and not land-power were the ones to do it, I think was a mistake.

So who else? America? Not at that time or almost unti the end. So an interesting one, but if you consider the lack of respect in France for the British contribution, maybe we should have left them to it.

well I know this is The Daily Mail....but this isnt too encouraging either...re: English kids


One of our English friends in France has 3 children in school, the kids have all come home at various times, with a version of World War 2, that suggests France 'won' the war, with no mention of the US or the UK having any part in the victory. I guess over time, history can be re-written, which is why we need to be careful where we read our information.

Good ol George W wasnt far wrong when he said 'The French have no word for Entrepreneur' France certainly hasnt much use for them and certainly seems to like making life as difficult as possible for them!

Pick up trucks, lots of guns and their 14 year old cousins ?

The French helped the US during the American Revolution. They didn't do much but they did tip the balance at Yorktown, which forced Cornwallis to surrender and that was the end. It was ironic that France, an absolute monarchy, helped some English speaking revolutionaries fight constitutional monarchy. It was even more ironic that the act of aiding the American revolution played a minor role in helping to foment the French one, which turned out to be a less gentlemanly affair.

It is said that British and the Americans are one nation divided by a common language, whereas the Americans and French are one nation divided by common ideals.

Catherine, I am sure most people here could not place Iowa, or Pasadena or a million other locations in America either. I know I couldn't. The again I'm not all that great with places locally either! Try and get people to point out Montenegro or Bosnia-Herzegovina on a map in Europe even, and there wold be many who wouldn't have a clue. Lack of geographical knowledge may be nothing to be proud of, but I don't think it is too much to be ashamed of.

I was far more surprised and saddened at US University students being unaware of the Holocaust as I saw recently.

I live here but am far from obsessed with France nor in love with all things French.

Most Americans could not find France on a map.

I’m fairly sure the Hollande state visit is no more nor less elaborate than the Queen’s last visit, possibly getting a bit more attention due to the recent revelations about his personal life.

Obama will be polite, gracious, make all the right noises then disregard anything Hollande says.

OK my error it was Georges' lil ol boy!

Hmmm is this correct? 'Garlic-chewing Surrender monkeys', anyone? Or does this only refer to the French people and not French 'things'.

Still very nice to hear that France are the 'Oldest and Best Friends and Allies of America' Puts the so-called 'special relationship' with Britain into perspective doesn't it? Good to see that at least spelled out at long last.

"W" Bush administration.

And the French were right on Iraq; we can't stand that.

and here was me thinking the americans only loved things american LOL