Were you all engaged in being British?

Not only that, the Romans brought slaves from all over their empire into Britain and exported the Ancient Brits as slaves. The Roman soldiers were not necessarity 'Roman' either.

Yes those vikings got everywhere

I'm not. I have often called them a bunch of Germans, just trying to say that we are all mixed really. I have Irish, Scottish, Welsh, French and English origins but am still anglaise

Especially etc.

Exactly what I'm saying, although not in so much detail! and how many Roman soldiers fathered kids/stayed etc... ;-)

And the Normans that invaded Britain 1066 and all that were originally norsemen who got fed up trying to get in to the UK through the usual channels (fight, rape, pillage and murder) and settled for a quiet life in the north of France with a little less of the fighting element going on. Once bored with the quiet life, they looked around again to see who they could attack and led the charge on England with William the Conqueror.

don't take my answers too seriously Louise, see ansewr below, just an attack on an institution (the monarchy) that seems to me to be way too outdated in the 21st century when "the people" should be able to choose their leader - i.e. a republique ;-)

are you saying we're all a bunch of mongrels...! :-D

I used to joke with colleagues in brittany that they were more "british" than me as their ancestors where living in britain 1500+ years ago whilst mine were still on the continent and only came over once theirs had left for Brittany...!


What about the anglo saxons?

That was my point, that royal families married into other royal families and so none of them are really British, French, Scottish, Spanish etc. Before George I you could argue that the British royal family was half French or Spanish. The British themselves are descended from Germans (Anglo Saxons), Normans and Celts plus a few Vikings thrown in, plus various others. It is absurd but unescapable - most revolutions lead to a new elite replacing the old one in the end

don't care where they come from as long as they dégagent!!! - the point was that it's rather ironic thinking of a bunch of germans ruling the UK (the whole thing is meant in a rather monty python way but there's no smoke without fire...!)

Everything in our minds is personal!
The great mix of characters who have collected to become part of SF

are going to run off course sometimes.


You mentioned Lady Diana.

What really happened to her?

What really happened?

Interested to learn what you all think.

Don't you think it appropriate that the Royal family are descendants of people from all over Europe (for example one of Prince William and Harry's forbears was Lucretia Borgia) just like the rest of the people in the UK mongrels every one only from all over the world

What is so wonderful about being a republic there are plenty of dodgy ones about and also who would want George W as president or for that matter Tony Blair. As a rule the quality of government does not depend on the system used it relies on the checks and balances used. The British system has been evolving for the best part of a thousand year and although it is far from perfect I can not think of a better one, so why change it?

There was no 'sexism' attached. With exception of perhaps the Habsburgs, nearly all the royals in Europe can trace their ancestry right back to Charles Martel, or Charlemagne if you prefer, because of the 'dispersion' of the Carolingeans into the various kingdoms and their inter-marriages with other aristocracies, royalties and so on. If that is the game one wants to play. That was not my intent, but only noting that the British royal family are remarkably conservative and then very crafty about not appearing foreign, which has been the case for hundreds of years. Add to that the point that aristocracies and royalties tend to keep titles of ancestors or progenitors, lineage, or those who compose the line of natural descent by male lineage. It is known as patrilineal descent. Fortunately, it is part of the now defunct royalty of Europe that once depended on intermarriage until this queen and her consort. That is now largely either gone and forgotten or very unimportant in other European societies. It should be in England too. My fellow Scots still toast the 'King across the water' who are the descendants of King Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia and now, since that line is long since extant, living in and related to the present Spanish king. So we have no distinct 'heir' female or male who belongs in Scotland either.

It is about the absurdity of it all, such as your Sarkozy example, that mere mortals see themselves elevated so far above you or I.

As for names, well my present wife has not taken or used my name, which has also previously been the case in my life

All this about the Queen being German seems very sexist in tone. All royal families intermarried with other royal families, so none of them are really by blood the nationality they are supposed to be. Charles I's sister married a Hanover so it is assumed she is now a German. Victoria married a Saxe-Coburg, so, of course, she is really that and now Elizabeth II is doomed again to take her husband's name. May I remind you all that there is no law requiring a woman to take her husband's name, it is merely convention illustrating how women are still considered the property of their husband even if they happen to be queen. No wonder Elizabeth I did not marry! When my mother was young the wife was even known by her husband's first name, Mrs Albert So-and-so, totally losing her identity.

By the way, I totally forgot about the jubilee and so did not watch it.

I am sure that Presidents also imagine themselves above everyone else, just look at Sarkozy or the Americans

Well you need a good appertite, great stamina....for lots of late nights.

Westminster Abbey, Westminster catering college leaders can be crowned in

many places.

BUT look hard at idolising.

I think we’d all do as fantastic a job with the wage and perks that go with it! Nobody would retire at 60/65 if they could earn such dosh till they croak it!

Exactly Andrew.

Is everything about not about image?

Are chocolate bars and supermarkets not established and elevated to create demand

and interest by the powers of PR marketing.

Perception and elevation.

Who and how is it decided that SOMEONE is more capable than another.

Is it all logical.

Can one person stand alone through history and take on the power of leadership?

Each great person is only great due to the power which generates the machinery.

The Machinery is exspensive.