Wetter and wetter

Well, I hope everyone that's been in the Wet Zone these last few days is ok - from Hérault to Ardèche and beyond - over here in the southern Alps it's moved on to us now - slashing down all night and all day so far, snowing from 2500 metres....have to start thinking about putting the pneus contact back on soon... *sighs for Indian summer last week*

Yes, épisodes cévenols are nothing new and happen every autumn but this autumn has been pretty exceptional - 4 episodes in a couple of weeks :-O

The local rag says these repeated rainlashings are called "évènements cévenols" where warm humid air from the Med sweeps in to hit the Cévennes and let it all go...the météo expert said normally there are a few of these but this is continuous over the Languedoc since about three weeks ago, he said it will likely go on until the end of the month :(

We caught the edge of one of these storms last night, but fortunately not for long and we were able to have lunch on the balcony just now.

We live in Southern Burgundy and, fingers crossed, have missed the worst of these storms which seem to come from the Atlantic and follow the west coast and the Mediterranean.

Hope it stops raining soon.