What effect has the 80 limit had in your area?

It’s likely to be catastrophic at both speeds, but is more likely to occur if it triggers frustration in drivers who already have a low frustration threshold, poor control over their emotions, are prone to reckless impetuosity, and careless of their own lives and the lives of others.

People in that category who drive electric vehicles and hope that makes them invulnerable to accidents, or immune to prosecution for dangerous driving, well… what can one say that will make the slightest difference, one wonders? :wink:

David, I am just keen to ensure that you are aware that your opinion on this issue is not held by everyone.

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Fine but I don’t understand what you disagree with.

You don’t? Should be pretty clear.

David, I am pointing out the impractical nature of your suggestion establishing an “Appropriate Speed” limit for every road (and every section of road) would be near impossible (or it would take a great deal of time) and not a challenge that I would consider a good use of public money.

Such a speed limit would need to reflect the width, carriageway separation, horizontal and vertical alignment, road surface, frequency of side roads, levels of pedestrians and cyclists, ratio of frontages etc and the list goes on, and by definition would need to vary by weather conditions and levels of daylight.

Alternatively the lowest “Appropriate Speed” could be selected.

There is also the issue that many of the above factors vary over time and thereby such establishing of the speed limit would need to be periodically repeated.

Such a speed limit would need to be clearly signed for all to see as only then could it be enforced.

A speed limit should also reflect an acceptable and inevitable level of crashes balanced with an acceptable level of throughput.

These are difficult values to establish what is acceptable (as is apparent from your comments).

In my view the reduction to 80kph will reduce the number and severity of crashes on the roads concerned but it will take time for peoples driving habits to change for that benefit to be seen – whilst what I consider still achieving an acceptable throughput.

(I understand your comments concerning an appropriate speed may be below the speed limit it should be remembered that the speed limit is not a target but a value which cannot lawfully be exceeded - and that the driver should drive below this at a speed they consider appropriate for the conditions)

Do you really believe that an 80 limit is the answer? Have a look at the German example before answering that. It’s a thoughtless attempt to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut instead of actually facing up to the real problem of accident figures. France has a problem with too many deaths in the roads, which drivers are involved in those accidents, what time of day are they happening, where are the black spots located? A blanket, ridiculously slow speed limit is not the answer.
I used to drive on roads that had different speed limits for different classes of vehicles on particular stretches of road because accident data identified the problem, in fact some stretches were barred to certain classes on particular days. I believe that 80 kmh is an unnecessarily slow speed limit for the majority of the open roads in a France. I believe that it results in many drivers paying less attention to what they are doing and others to take unnecessary risks caused by frustration. I’m not surprised that many people disagree with me but I know that there are others who understand what I’m saying.

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It is not necessarily THE answer but I would expect it to reduce the number of crashes, given time.

Your suggestions are very expensive to achieve, the measures taken so far are relatively inexpensive.

As I said before there is a balance required of safety and throughput - from your comments it would appear you feel it is too far from throughput for your liking.

The reality is it will be quite a few years to see if the number of crashes has reduced and only then you can consider whether such a reduction is worth the additional journey time.

Either way I am not sure it is worth continuing the discussion of opinions of what is a complex subject.

(from memory the costs of accident remedial works were in the region of - speed limit sign=£80, 3 way traffic signals=£45,000, mini-roundabout £20,000, traffic calming per 100m=£60,000)

Expense? Money? Is that what it comes down to? The 80 limit isn’t working, what next? 70? If the problem is a serious one, and it is, is needs a proper answer. I am very secure in my beliefs as road safety has been a significant part of my life too.

I understand what you are saying David and I agree !

It’s a money making scheme pure and simple !

But doesn’t everything?!

Ummmm, I am English with a house in France, I don’t feel I should have an opinion on what the French do in their own country. If they want to have a 50 mph speed limit so be it

@anon72090214 … you may have missed my previous request for you to put your full name on your Registration Page… as per our terms and conditions…

If you are unable/unsure about amending your Registration Page, simply put your full name on this thread and I will amend it for you.


Funnily enough, I believe that 50mph equates to 80kph. So that’s exactly what France does have!


Ok ok you win, Gary, that’s my name

Howdy… :wink:

Not sure how this works yet, but howdy to you

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You see why I don’t put my name now don’t you

You drew attention to it by not putting in on the Registration in the first place… :wink::zipper_mouth_face::roll_eyes:

anyway, welcome to our happy band. :hugs:

What part of France is your house… ???


Lovely part…

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