What effect has the 80 limit had in your area?

Thank you

Welcome Gary, don’t be shy about your name, didn’t even enter my head until ‘attention’ was drawn to it !

Generally, and on the whole, we are all here to help each other with whatever queries might arise.

Of course we all have our opinions, but its always good to welcome someone new and hear their views and opinions as well, such is life’s rich tapestry :slight_smile:

I had to use Google, I’m afraid the name meant nothing to me. :frowning:

That’s because you are a young chappie David ! My father adored westerns so we had them ad nauseum, not that they were bad, but ‘trop c’est trop’ !


Hi Gary! And welcome to this patch.

I prefer Toad. That’s a well-considered moniker. Do you have a jewel in your head? Toads are always welcome chez nous with or without jewelry. Hop along any time you like, it’s cool (and not un-damp) here in Normandy, lots of cool friendly toads who will toady to anytoad. :grin:


It does not apply around here ;-D:grin:

None visibly. Most small roads have too many bends to go more than 80 in any case (and lack radars or gendarmes to monitor). On the major roads, I have not noticed that drivers are going more slowly - so, typically, between 85 and 95. Since the radars have now all been vandalised, a noticeable increase in spedd on the two major east-west routes here (southern Tarn), the N126 and the D112. Fortunately, however, no increase in accidents, except on roundabouts inhabited by gilets jaunes.

Anyone seen new speed cameras going in to replace the trashed/damages ones ??? just wondering

I see 49 departments (so far!) will be reverting to the 90km/h speed limits - complete waste of public money - what a shambles :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the upcoming European elections
could it ? :roll_eyes:


I do hope that the damaged speed cameras will be replaced/mended
 at the same time

Yep and the bill sent to the Jilly Joneses rather than being paid for using my taxes!

it will be all of US who end up paying for the damage and degradation across France 
 some of the perpetrators may be fined, but very few

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See loads of speed cameras on main roads monitoring the 80 limit but, if they put more in towns where the limit is 30 or 50, they’d catch a lot more people and raise enough money to replace the damaged cameras!

Here in 17 they’ve decided ‘prudence’, what does that mean?

Isn’t that the polite way of saying “don’t be a plonker”

or perhaps “use your common sense, if you have any”

“be careful” is, perhaps, the most likely

Morbihan also- I’m not quite clear what the article means by this “undecided” perhaps.

I must admit
 I thought this was only being mooted and had yet to be presented to the Assembly for their nod

and, quite reasonably
 Departments are seeking guidance from the Experts
 since no-one wishes to be sued if speed causes a death

Not even that - merely that the departments are “favourable” to the idea now that Phillipe has apparently given a green light to the limits being decided at local level, which is why I read “prudence” as “undecided” - (i.e translating prudence as “caution” and assuming that those departments wish to approach the issue cautiously, i.e see what everyone else does :slight_smile: )

Ha ha
 prudence = careful! definitely not “undecided” :upside_down_face:

See above for the logic :slight_smile: