What to do with black truffle skins

Au secours! Aidez-moi SVP. Accidentally bought (perils of online shopping) pellures de truffes noires. 10 squid for 15g!! Terrified to use it. Spect I’ll have to use tweezers?

I’m told they make excellent firelighters…

If that doesn’t appeal there are some other ideas here!

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I’ve enjoyed googling this…

I like the idea of truffle-butter melting onto angelhair pasta…

there are so many suggestions… yummy

The scallops’ option looks good, but on Thursday bought an amazing sandwich in Toulouse - an artisanal baguette stuffed with truffled ham, confit de canard, a sweet confit d’oignon, thin slices of Cantal cheese and some green stuff (which was also way above par).

Anyhow, whatever you do with them,

Bon appétit !

Just chuck them in scrambled eggs.


Ha! Peanuts! Only €666.666666666666/kg!

Someone at Tesco responsible for writing the shelf price tickets clearly had a sense of humour. For saffron it was expressed as £/kg

For the 0.5 gram micro-tub of Tesco’s own saffron today you will pay at the rate of £6,200/kg. For the Schwartz 0.4G tublette, £10,000/kg. The East End saffron must be the Turkish erzats - £2,600/kg

Talking about truffle, not saffron!

Mash them up with good butter, leave for at least 24 hours. Toast some good bread type Poilâne, thickly butter the cooled-a-bit toast.