What to do with my neighbour’s rabbit?

Down in Devon, my Border Collie and her Blue Merle pal used to spend all day out rabbiting. They would come home covered in mud from digging and faces smeared with blood - not their blood.

It is a very trying situation when one has a neighbour with some kind of problem and an animal. My neighbour in the flat next to mine in Valencia was alcoholic, had clinical depression and colon cancer.

Her dog NEVER went out. It was confined to her flat 24/7. The smell was indescribable. when she went out it barked and howled for hours on end.

I tried contacting all and any animal welfare organisations I could. The problem in Spain is that the first port of call, for any social problem - animal welfare, public hygiene, social services - is the police. Everybody said the same thing, “Speak to the police”

Eventually she was served a notice of a court summons - “una residencia insalubria”.

Legal matters in Spain take years. She died before the court hearing.

Does chickenwire work over vegetable patches for this kind of thing or do the rabbits just burrow under?

It’s not just the veg…they are eating tree bark, bulbs, herbaceous stuff. They are a bit like 4 legged random lawn mowers as they hop and eat… got my pots of sweet peas at the weekend. We have fencing round the garden, but have burrowed under it, and they come in under the gate.

And we don’t want to fence more as the hedgehogs, badgers and foxes have their route through.

Maybe you need less fences and more foxes :scream: