What will you be doing on New Year's Eve?

Reveillon in Antibes with the outlaws, same food as the Christmas reveillon I suppose! Will be nice to be back in Antibes, but really miss real British parties. Happy New Year to all.

We'll be ignoring it - as usual. After all, what difference does one minute make between 2012 & 2013?

I'll be at home with husband and son. We will eat a special meal and watch a film while keeping an eye on the clock for midnight. I always go outside with a pot and a spoon at midnight and make a lot of noise. My kids think that I'm crazy but it's an old family tradition. Often there will be at least one car burning in the parking lot behind our house which seems to be the tradition here.

I will go out to dinner with my husband and daughter. All the youngsters have a special program. Maybe stay up til midnight.

Mostly the same as you these days, Brian. Up until a couple of years ago, we used to get together with all others on the village fête committee, eating wasn't allowed until after midnight with music and dancing until 6 or 7 in the morning!

Now there is an idea, put it all on paper! I think you have hit the nail on the head "accept" that is how life has turned and we cant change it, better use our energy poitively than in fighting something we cant alter!I know what you mean about divorce, my dad was a vicar and when I left my husband my mum told me" wedont do divorce in this family", I'm afraid my answer was"well I do" it is hard for everyone; SO difficult at times! have a wonderful new year, look forward to the lessons of 2013, whatever they may be!!

I guess one thing is certain, 2013 will be different! I hope to be awake enough to say au revoir to 2012 the oh however is still sleeping a lot so will never make it! A glass of wine and a lot of reflection seems to be the order of the day, Reveiew of the highlights, and the lessons I should have learnt, wonder if I have????? I should I think of taken on board that sometimes you are powerless and it is ok, what about you, what were your lessons for2012???

like the image, Brian ;-)

Wishing it for you Andrew. Perhaps one might add, sitting there/sleeping happily leaving 2012 behind!

It'll be a very busy day for us, we'll close at 19h30, leave work around 20h00 then collapse at home (I start at 6h30). Will we still be awake at midnight... not really sure actually ! The kids will probably still be up (even though they're only 5 and 3) but not sure about us! Like Brian, we're hoping for a "smoother ride" in 2013.

We shall sit in front of Jools Holland's 20th Annual Hootenanny, let our daughters dance until after midnight, take some decent wine ourselves and hope that 2013 is better than 2012 has been for and to us.