Which Social Health Care group do I go with?

Having registered as an Auto-Entrepreneur, I now have been sent four health insurance company applications - Klesia, Humanis, Malakoff Mederic and Apicil - does anyone have any ideas as to which one to go with bearing in mind that my chosen field is of consulting in renewable energy?

Hiya - these are not health insurance companies, but Supplementary Pension companies. I am an auto-entrepreneur and maybe others in the group here can help as I'm not entirely sure of all the mechanisms of this. You do NOT have to choose any of these companies, because if you do not respond, you will be automatically assigned one. Although you operate as an individual these companies offer supplementary pension schemes if you have any employees. Therefore they need to know if you have any employees that are liable for a pension scheme. Although as an auto-entrepreneur you will not have any employees, the law exists that you need to belong to one of these organisations either way. Hope that does not sound too confusing.