Questions about withholding tax are probably already covered in SF but where to look?
I’ve received a demand from Direction Général Des Finances Publiques (DDFIP de la Charente Maritime/ Prélèvement à la Source, La Rochelle) to pay a rejected 91 euros withholding tax payment, due on 16/09/2024.
This is all Greek to me but I assume this has something to do with my UK state pension. But why would this payment of 91 euros have been rejected, and by whom? I assume I’ve been paying withholding tax all along but now this particular payment has been rejected. I haven’t had anything like this before. Should I just pay up and forget about it? Don’t know what else to do.
Suggest the first step is to check on your impots account that the payment was scheduled.
Then check on your bank statement that it did not go out.
Then ask your bank why it was not paid.
Maybe quite simply you did not sign the mandat on the impots site to authorise it?
If you do not get to the bottom of why it hapoened, you risk the same thing happening every time.
Are you with CCF (was HSBC France). All customers got a new IBAN for CCF. The old IBAN could be used in parallel up until I think the end of July this year. CCF should have informed the impots (and others) of the change in IBAN but I think there have been some mistakes.
Thanks, I looked at withholding tax in My Space in and it says ‘Direct Debit rejected – incorrect transaction code’ for Sept 16. All previous payments have been made.
Looked at my bank statements and the payment demanded has been paid, so bit of a mystery here.
I’ll email to explain and have a word with my bank.
@Bonzocat yes, do it this way and the Impots people will definitely have your message safely in their records… plus… they will answer it…
an email can go adrift/get overlooked…
I’ve contacted via messagerie-sécurisés to try to understand why/how there was a non-payment of a withholding tax contribution. And I’ve emailed my bank for comment.
From the attachment, personal info deleted, you can see that payment was refused because of an ‘incorrect transaction code’. I assume this transaction code has something to do with my bank?
I don’t know who pays this withholding tax, because there are no monthly withdrawals of 91 euros from my bank account. Went through my bank account statements with a toothcomb.
This happened to us- see my post and following in Tax 2023 - two help articles -
I also have an update - the rejection letter arrived about 10 days after in the personal space document section and we set up a payment under ‘payments’ . Was taken by direct debit yesterday 2nd (Wednesday).
Thanks, I need a dummies guide on dealing with French tax matters online. However, I went to My Space on the impots site and clicked on ‘payments on line’ and saw my refused payment of withholding tax waiting to be authorised for payment. I authorised it. I shall wait to see if it happens again next month, and if it does I’ll dig more deeply into it then.