Working in france but paid in the uk

our boss is musing the idea of paying us in the UK, in sterling, for our new job situation here. We've been living rent / bills free looking after his chateau for the summer - while my AE stonemason husband has been rebuilding / pointing his boundary wall, and i've done some work for them with marketing and design.

we're happy here and want to make it permanent - so we'll need to be paid as guardiennes i think.

is it possible we can be paid in the UK and declare that payment and pay our tax in our yearly tax return here? What sort of tax bracket would we be in, and how would we need to register our job?

any advice much appreciated

x teresa

Thanks Emily - that's really interesting.

Though we'll both keep our AE status we'll be permanent Guardians as a separate job - and we'll need to declare the income as such (i know you're allowed to do both)

I'm just wondering under what regime and with who we should register, and what the tax rate would be - we won't be earning much as the house and all bills are paid (and we'll still do our AE bits but for other people)

But whatever we earn will be paid in sterling into our UK bank...

x t