Your choice

I hate raisins. After much research about ten years years ago I discovered Muesli which had none, so I bought a ton of it. Then I went off muesli. If anybody wants a pack…

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I hear carpenters have no use for it, too much scattered around their feet. :wink:

That’s why I live up north in sw 24 now :grin:


Both with an almond croissant as afters.

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I love the smell of fresh sawdust.

So you’re Lyon. Which is le nord

Kouign amann anybody?

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never had one but, looks delicious.

Basically sugar and butter held together with a minimum of pastry.

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No “east of Toulouse” Caroline. Off the good old Route nationale 7.

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Basically sugar and butter held together with a minimum of pastry :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

perso, multi-grain bread toasted with olive oil drizzled over it or a banana sandwiche (same multi-grain bread) :grin:

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I love perso. My favourite bread. Also good with quite a strong marmalade

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you’ve taught me something there, Caroline, perso = personally :rofl:

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How funny. Our boulangerie sells ‘perso’ a dark, multi grain bread, square or oblong in form. I assumed yours did too or that it was nationally available like épeautre .

I also like banana sandwiches, with a little cinnamon. :yum:

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I’m trying to work out where you are (vaguely - not in a freaky stalker way :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:) and I can’t see the RN7!!!

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You cleared all the stock John :wink::face_with_hand_over_mouth: unavailable!

Never heard of that!

Never heard of or seen that anywhere either!

Bannana toast with cinnamon - Aussie kids classic!

Lucky kids in Australia, all those beaches and banana sandwiches as well!!!

Perso may well be an invention of our boulangerie. It looks a bit like German bread. But look out for ‘petit épeautre’ it’s the old fashioned flour that’s low in gluten and makes very good bread. Sure it would be just the thing with bananas

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Not a big road, it runs south from Paris past Nevers and Moulins and seems to peter out these days to the south of Roanne. :slightly_smiling_face:

But he said east of Toulouse but maybe he means hours and hours east of Toulouse :rofl: