Micro tractor insurance?

Hello, can anyone recommend an insurer for a new micro tractor (26hp) please?

Not registered for road use so only for my field. Would like cover 3rd party, fire and theft.

Any thoughts please?


another good post that is informative, was going to purchase a second mini tractor for work in my field, never thought about insurance, but now will look into it.

I pay €87 for the ride on mower and €95 for the Kubota mini tractor.

Bonne chance

Thanks Chris. That resonates with the one quote I got from Credit Mutuel at about 150 Euros p.a.which struck as "car like" cover. Do you mind if I ask how much roughly your premium was?
I've gone back to CM to clarify the point so will see what they say.
I'll try Allianz locally for a quote so will at least have something to compare.

We insured our with the same insurer as all our other insurances (Allianz in Eymet) and were told that we had to have full "road" insurance and were even issued with a little green square but have no idea where to put it. I believe that it is compulsory to do so anyway with all garden type machinery whether used on a road or not to ensure that Third party insurance is in force.