Go and do not come back

Well, yes!

Spot on. Ironically, the particular capo in this particular village has asked to link with me on LinkedIn several times. Normally he is the kind of person people would not wipe their muddy shoes on except that he is the one with flawless (he says, but my OH has smirked when he has blathered) French which is about all he has on offer.

There's a village near us that's like that. They all, allegedly, do what the man says though they probably wouldn't give him the time of day in UK.

I have been asked if it happens here, now I realise why the people asked. Presumably something similar happened to them 'elsewhere' as David is making patently clear. AI are weird anyway. As far as I was concerned, I left AI roughly two and a half years ago because I could not say something about an item that went up that I considered prejudicial. I commented, my comment never appeared, so I went through the process several times to no avail. So quit; yet I still get the beginning of week update and can open that and go in. It would be tempting to sow havoc but know that it is not possible.

There is a group of people in a nearby village with what I would describe as a capo di tutti capi who tells his British compatriots what is and is not right and wrong. None of them dare join SFN, well there are a couple of exceptions but they are not in his gang, I have given them enough of our cards so they cannot say they do not know how to find us. But the capo says AI, so they use AI. He also does not like that little freebie paper The Bugle, so they don't read it, Connexions or nothing. If that is the kind of support AI has, well nothing lost. Well, except that I seem to be unable to lose it.

They haven't got it: the guy in the UK sold them a franchise and then the local admin struggles to keep a forum going. Like it is a easy job to maintain a forum. Take a good cup of tea and that's it ;-)

Reading some posts today on there, some are still experiencing problems on the site, and now there seems to be changes to the property section that is causing some to leave or threaten to leave. I'm also being asked to accept cookies on there that I am not prepared to do, so maybe I'll be joining you in being excluded - hope not as I do find the site good for various reasons....as to 'trollers' I just hope they get bored and go away!

Thanks for that piece of interesting news David. It really makes a nonsense of their so-called 'private mail" system. It really doesn't make much difference to me to be banned as I was getting rather fed up with the sort of "knuckle grazers" that inhabit AI. Why some of them live here I really don't know.

Hi David,

I'm really sorry about that, as I was the 'private' recipient of that mail... You acted with best intentions and your AI response was not, in my view, particularly derogatory or inflammatory, just factual! I have also recently become suspicious that so-called 'private' mail is actually being monitored by AI, and you have now confirmed it...it must be that because you clic on a link via their site, they can then track it, which I find very sinister, and possibly against the rules?

If it's any consolation, I also was removed from their site, for a brief period, as I was deemed to be being critical of their site and eventually their handling of not coming clean to users of AI when loads of us experienced difficulties, whilst they were re-energizing the site, etc. Whilst I was one of the more polite posters on site to their threads (of which there have now been many in recent weeks critical of how 'fractured' the use of access is at the mo)I was more vocal in private posts to admin about how difficult and frustrating their site had become...I definitely think their moderators are now getting personal in their choosing to leave some comments on and remove others (that'll be me, then!) as there have recently been some 'corkers of criticism' left on whilst my mild enquiries have been summarily removed along with other fairly banal observations on some threads. They have since had to admit to difficulties and efforts to solve them.

Hey-ho, I can take it, and was privately rebuked by them that they are a privately-run company, not a public service, and that ANY on-forum criticism of AI is not tolerated and that further criticism by me will result in removal of my membership.....they continue to suffer many glitches, etc.

This brings back memories :/

Well that doesn't happen here! :)