So who would you vote for in France

Donoghue vs Stevenson is nice too.

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Maybe but it has cut her options. Many young people who have worked hard to realise their dreams now feel shafted by older generations who believe they can resurrect the the good old days.


Well I can’t see why it would cut her options. As regards Brexit its not just the older generation who voted to leave, One of the reasons for Brexit was to regain British sovereignty from what is effectively a foreign power ie EU parliament and European courts. A lot of people believe British laws and British policy decisions should decided by parliament by British elected politicians, not dictated by Brussels.

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I know. Sad isn’t it. I can’t believe that you can’t see how her options have been cut. You only see what suits you.

Rose vs Miles is for public nuisance (a barge got stuck in a canal), Carlill vs the CSB is a landmark contract law case (an advertisement is an invitation not an offer to treat), Aldred’s case is English land law and tort about a pig in a shop in the early 17th C (and poss the foundation of modern environmental law), and the last just makes me laugh because it is about a snail in a bottle of ginger beer (but is also a fundamental decision in Scots delict law as well as English tort law). They are all cases which create jurisprudence and set precedent so you have to learn them off by heart, along with a zillion others. (I didn’t read law but I helped people revise).

Help I don’t know what happened here, I wanted to reply and the text changed!!

Never mind just read your last post, sounds entertaining must look it up.

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I think there’s a slight glitch in the forum, your explanation has been credited to me LOL.

Yes that’s what I meant by the “I don’t know what has happened” message!

One of the endearing little features of Brexiters is the fact they bleat on about their perceived negative effects of the EU Parliament and EU legislation but…are unable to vocalise how they are personally / individually touched by either on a daily basis. Sovereignty is often cited but never explained. The Good Old Days are also mentioned - without any clarification on what was good.

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Oh, OK, I don’t mind makes me look brainy LOL maybe I can delete it, I’ll try now.

Lee we would be far better electing Noddie and Big ears!
Why on earth should La blonde get a chance to destroy France.
Any one would be better.

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Every one is entitled to their opinion Barbara, I don’t know her personally nor do I know the other candidates, I’m basing my opinion on what I have read.

Fillon because :
a. During my 20 years of living in France he’s one of the few candidates that has actually backed up his ideas with in-depth numbers and solutions and avoids the usual wide-sweeping statements which never lead anywhere;
b. Anyone who is so determined to carry on being a candidate with all the current pressures and demands for resignation may actually stick to his guns and bring about the changes which are desperately needed in France;
c. Show me a politician who hasn’t had some dodgy dealings in the past…


I am in my thirteenth year of French residency, living near a petit ville that dates back to at least the 7th century, with a fair size Islamic population. I’ve yet to witness or hear about a stoning, lashing, beheading or honor killing. Our mainstream media whips us into these sharia frenzies for their own agendas. Set your TV at the curb on rubbish collection day and take up a hobby.


Wow you refuse to believe whats reported almost every week world wide, so they don’t throw gays of roofs of buildings, They don’t cut of peoples limbs for crimes, they don’t allow women to talk with other men unaccompanied, They don’t behead infidels etc…May not be happening in your petit ville but it is happening elsewhere mainly in Muslim countries. We have Muslims near us but they are Moroccans and Algerians and totally different from the ones from Arabic countries.I’ll keep my TV thanks and already have a hobby.

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Are you now blaming religion for local customs? Have you tried education?

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If you can’t be civil, don’t participate.

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