UKIP supporters call for the murder of Gina Miller

Hilary, if you don’t know for whom you would vote in the U.S. election that says more about you than everything else you have written.

I didn’t call you a racist. The word is thrown around a lot these days and is losing its potency, sadly. I don’t believe all “Brexiters” are racist, either, but a fair whack of them are. If you deny that, I’m afraid you’re a part of the problem.

I wish you well.


What the bloody hell is happening in this world ?

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The lunatics have been given the keys to the asylum…

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This judgement merely underlines the sovereignity of the UK Parliament, which I thought was the objective of the Brexiteers!


Exactly, Jane - quite why they are all howling about it is anybody’s guess. Weird as weird can be.


You must start to realise that you Brexiteers are the minority. Just 37% of the population. For the rest if us “It is not our Choice”

The world is Global. People migrate. Get over it. The Isles of Britain have been populated by Picts, Celts, Saxons, Angles, Vikings, Normans, West Indians, Indians and latterly our European neighbours. The perpetual whining about immigration is pathetic. The UK needs 2 new towns. Not been one since MK in the 70’'s. There is land to do do this.

Finally don’t forget immigration is worth £1.4 billion to the UK economy. Now hands up those who want to pay more tax to cover that. I propose Brexiteers are at the front of the queue!


There cannot be any deal before a vote. A deal is a deal, not a proposal. If politicians make a deal, it is binding. Perhaps you meant proposals? parliament should decide whether proposals are good BEFORE a deal is struck not afterwards. Sorry but there is no logic in this part of your reply.

I think the main reason that people are so upset by you Brexit voters is that you believed most of what the daily mail said, for example you believed that we would somehow get 350 million a week for the NHS. It was mostly lies and because so many of you were gullible enough to fall for it we now need to fall back on the law for protection against more financial ruin.

We all get that you blame the EU for the recession and austerity but you fail to see that the banks are the ones that control the supply of money and it’s the banks that still do and always will do. We can’t hope to move forward with democracy until we get control of our finances back from the banks.


yes I agree

We are in the same boat. Our export of French antique woodstoves to the UK has been hit by 20% price fall since Brexit. We have had to increase our prices. How long will it be before people stop buying our products and move on to buy cheap nasty rubbish from China with all the associated waste of CO2 and pollution from long-distance transport and the emmission that they create from having next to no restrictions?

In my previous post I rather got away from the subject. I don’t believe the group should be allowed to continue. They are akin to Mosley’s Brown Shirts. They do not, in my opinion, qualify to be called a political party. Therefore I hereby rename them. Henceforth they will be known as UKTC or the United Kingdom Thug Club!

I don’t think rudeness is going to help in this discussion

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By teaming up with the Chinese and Indians…oops she said she does not want immigration. So that’s out. Let me see Chinese Japanese and of course Australia. Oops he said when you have finished your brexit. So that’s two years waiting. Who else?
Ah yes Donald of course and special relationship
. The french being the oldest allies. What does it create for them ? Hot air essentially.

By the time Donald turns the country round of course. Let’s wait another two years. Why the US shd bother about the UK?

They are panicking at the rudder. It’s obvious. That’s not a crime. Except that the other partners will have the advantage of a begging UK. Wto rules why not. The thing is there are various standards over the world and the environment is not a priority.
I got it! Fracking with the US. I bet it’s on the cards .
I forgot England as the scots will prudently secede and Belfast too.

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Perhaps then - another a different front - the ‘promises’ made by Trump won’t be binding because he isn’t (or wasn’t) a politician but a ‘two-bit’ businessman?

Well, Carole you wont be surprised that I don’t agree …and of the people who bothered to vote in the referendum, the majority voted for Brexit and it wasn’t /isn’t all about immigration, but about such things as the way the EU is run and the level of control it exercises over the UK, and mismanagement (no audits, gravy train salaries,lack of democracy) as explored in the Paxman in Europe prog. & the Toby Jones video (both still on You tube…if you need to catch up)…and the as yet un-reformable nature of the EU.

There really isn’t any point in carrying on with our opposing arguments over this, ( I have defended my view and the Brexit view on several occasions with supporting links,explaining that most of us did not vote on the basis of a slogan on a bus to do with the NHS…but after carrying out our own research …)…I wont be responding to any more posts on this subject in the near future …I have said what I needed to and we will just have to agree to differ…

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37% Brexiters, and less for Remainers. For the rest who didn’t or couldn’t be bothered to vote, frankly I’m not interested in their opinion. Excluding of course those who fell outside the 15 year rule (that’s just wrong). But for everybody else who didn’t/couldn’t be bothered to vote, we will never know what they wanted so have to take it that, for the voting population, the majority wanted Brexit.

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As the Daily Mail has been cited in this discussion - I thought this may raise a titter…:slight_smile:


Ha, you wish