2022 Presidential/Legislatives elections

Please remove your comment regarding Geoff and if you post again in this manner your membership will be revoked. Thanks.

Just remove me please @cat

Clearly it’s one rule for some and different rules for others.

Enjoy life in France


I wonder how many bad driving habits are a hangover from being able to ride a mobylette at 14 with no road training just a circuit in the school yard.

Calling someone a Daily Mail reader is a simple way to pigeonhole and neutralise them. No need to take them seriously because they’re just a bigotted moron. It’s textbook stuff, and works even better if it provokes an angry reaction back.

I don’t care really, but it’s sad to see the effect spill over onto others. I think Henri would have settled down after a while, but I guess we’ll never know.


I think he’ll be back in a while as he did last time… maybe with a new persona again…
If he’d have concentrated on his chainsaw series, things would have been fine.

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I was going to make comment on rond-point etiquette…

Maybe I will get around it someday…


Yup, you’re right.

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Well - you may think those Daily Mail attitudes are comical Almond - personally I think they’ve been enormously damaging in the UK.

There are lots of problems with characterisations like ‘the French are bad drivers’ (or words to that effect):
France is a very diverse country, with big cultural differences between regions - to negatively characterise a whole nationality regardless of these very real differences is almost always going to be a factual distortion (as not only my experience but that of other posters here demonstrates);
This might not matter much if it didn’t perpetuate those Daily Mail-ish stereotypes (Brits are law-abiding, sensible, etc - Continentals make lots of rules but then bend them). Once you start accepting and reinforcing those national stereotypes, it’s not a big step to nationalism - and that’s not funny, believe me.



I just think you may be too quick to read the worst into things.

That’s just personal opinion, not indicative of anglo-belgian attitudes everywhere!

I wasn’t amused by reference to Daily Mail attitudes, it was the escalation from a fairly innocent comment about attitudes to driving to warnings of impending fascism that was funny in a sort of absurdist way.


Glad to see there’s someone awake here. Nice one Calvin;-)

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I didn’t say it was unimportant. I said that Macron would win regardless of who you vote for. Personally, I voted against him as a protest vote, but I knew it wouldn’t change anything. There again, if you have no vote, or if your vote counts for nothing, it’s kind of the same thing in the end, no ?

No it’s not.

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What were you protesting against?

Goodness, it was a reasonable question. No need to be rude!

Nothing specific then?

@anon53319117, is this how you converse with your clients or is the rudeness just reserved for us? :grinning:

My clients? I don’t understand. I didn’t think I was being rude, it was meant to be a joke, but if it was taken that way then I apologise. I’m getting used to that in France - my jokes being taken as serious :slightly_smiling_face:

I apologise for being rude (though that really wasn’t my intention). I thought it was obvious, that’s all. I was protesting against Macron’s fascist vaccine mandates and “passe sanitaire”, amongst other things.


"fascist vaccine mandates and “passe sanitaire” "

Fascist really? Really? Fascist as in Mussolini? Hitler? Pétain?
Good grief :scream: