A new life in France

Are people from Lancashire born with webbed feet or do they undergo an operation ?

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After the last few weeks I am surprised I haven’t developed webbed feet

I would have thought that would be more applicable to Herefordshire and Shropshire at the moment.

We have had some lesser issues here, but even without floods a heck of a lot of water has come down

Whereabouts are you Mary ?

Down here in Albi we’ve had enough rain to refill the rivers but that’s all.

I am in a wet and cold Lancashire

Oh dear…

Spoke with friends in Accrington earlier who says it’s pretty bleak !

I am not that far from Accrington , I have driven over both the River Ribble and the Leeds Liverpool canal today both are very high

That’s what we initially thought about our neighbour, a farmer with a very loud voice whose words we hear clearly from 300m. In fact it was sad when his voice was dramatically diminished as the result of a serious accident. The volume returned however after a few months! Some city-dwelling French friends heard him ‘talking’ to his dog and it took us aback that they were very highly amused. Their derision, albeit mild, was a surprise. I think they looked on him (and us by association) as an extreme example of ill-bred rusticity. We have got used to it and we often wonder what the dog makes of it!

I was born in Lancaster and lived in Heysham and then Warton, Carnforth before moving away when I got married.
Morecambe will be on the map when the new Eden Project is finished.

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The title of one of my books is ‘Yorkshire Bred’ which is a reference to my upbringing as I am Nottinghamshire born. I am proud of my upbringing but as for being a superior race?
I am no better or worse than the next man/woman and am sorry that you have 2 half brothers who think otherwise.
Please do not tar us all with the same brush.
There are many good things about Lancashire, mainly the roads that lead to Yorkshire :grin:

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The old ones are the best!


Hi do you mean personal effects insurance or buildings insurance?
If the latter I wouldn’t pay to insure until contract agreed/signed! Too English??:grin:

Civil liabilities. It’s a requirement here.

(Different situation as short term rents, but one reason why we don’t rent to english people as they rarely have it.)

Hi All
Thank you to those that replied to my Question re renting and costs…not sure how the thread diversified into accents and language?!
It has taken a while to plough through :joy:

Hello Jane Jones,
Civil Liberties am I correct in thinking it’s an insurance you have to protect others at the rented residence? Should I have it anyway for the home I own at present?
This is not imminent I’m just planning ahead and like to know requirements.
Any info welcome thankyou Caz

Yep, too English. It’s a precondition of the lease, so if you don’ t have a policy to show, the contract will never be signed.

Not civil liberties, civil liabilities :wink:
That’s the insurance you need for holiday lets. Most people living in France already have civil liabilities cover because French home insurance policies normally include this.
For a property you rent as your main home, French insurers do tenant policies.

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That must be the reason that Lloyds Bank, years a go, ‘repatriated’ their telephone c/s to Wales and Scotland - not. I don’t know which I prefer. They are both delightful to listen to.

I would never have believed I’d have trouble understanding someone speaking with a Somerset accent, land of my fathers, but one luchtime, in The Mitre, in Glastonbury, the bloke delivering the eggs rattled on. He was completely incomprehensible.

We’ve had to cancel plans to move to France before the end of the transition period. The fatigue my wife is experiencing as a CV19 ‘long-hauler’ is too much for such an adventure currently. We hope she will be well enough to travel next year.
We feel rather like passengers on a sinking ship piloted by idiots.
Oh well we have a break coming up in Wales. Waterproofs are packed.

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