An Imminent Public Health Scandal in France

this is a very important issue and I hope that not just new parents take note of what it happening.

This mandatory immunisation programme is causing concern worldwide and there is much speculation being discussed on the internet as to what the ultimate goal is. I believe it is much more sinister than simply lining the coffers of the drug companies, and I also feel that is is not the health of our children which is behind the push for making these immunisations mandatory.

Death rates from many of these illnesses were falling steadilly prior to the introduction of immunisations and it is by no means certain that immunisation has contributed at all to further reductions in death rates.

Our bodies are constantly bombarded by chemicals, radio waves and other pollutants and whilst the body can fight back a little, it is a different matter when it is receiving chemical substances directly into the tissue.

Thanks Helen. :)

Signed and shared on facebook. I don't understand every nuance of this action but as I look after people with Alzheimers in the UK I was stopped in my tracks by the idiocy of injecting aluminium into babies!! And don't get me started on the evil big pharmas. We need another Michael Crichton ( who warned us about genomes and nanotechnology) to take up this mantel. Our enemies don't always have guns...:-(

Thanks Marie-Claire and Dory. :)

Peter- you can buy the expensive combined vaccine easily. You can't get the old DTP vaccine any more.

How would you be fined for a vaccine that you cannot buy?

Signed. Years ago in the UK I lived on a posh street where several GPs and surgeons lived. They were quite open that their children and grandchildren had had separate mumps, measles and rubella vaccinations and not the combined MMR, which they considered too risky (though not too risky for other people's kids!).


Thanks, Michelle. It is a disgraceful situation!

Terrible. I have signed.

Thanks for signing Shirley and Jane. The more the merrier! :)

I too have signed Sarah.

The government have a duty to see that drugs which parents must give to their children are safe!

This is a disgrace when, at the same time, doctors are being told to take people off as many medications as they possibly can. I have a long list, but some of them are only taken as and when, but they need to appear on my prescription.

Thanks for signing, Brian. The original DTP vaccine is aluminium-free, has been used for decades, and of course, costs little.

Public health often seems to be a minor issue compared to pharma company profits.

Sarah, I have signed. This is the third country I have done it in in one form or another. Because I work in childhood research I knew about the aluminium and formaldehyde issue quite a long time ago, probably the early 1990s. When our children were born we had the MMR vaccinations pressure. I took it to court using medical research to get a decision that we could not be compelled by threats of refusing them places in preschool or primary school. My fortune is that I work in circles where several of the top children's rights lawyers in the UK (in fact here in France too) were either 'colleagues' or in some cases good friends. So I did not have to pay for representation to present the medical evidence. I won, we used it and have never again had problems about school. When we came to France I think it was assumed it had been done but when the question was asked, we had the children's rights lawyer here in France write to the department with a summary of the UK legal decision. My OH had to do some similar things, although the girls have never been resident there, in Switzerland because they are Swiss nationals. The twist in this is that the court made the ruling as an individual instance which is phrased in a way that makes it difficult to impossible to pass on to others as a precedent. That, all concerned felt, was the power of the health authorities in the UK who wanted to suppress such actions. We were not the only people to go to court, nor the first anyway, but we were part of less than 10% of instances that were successful despite compelling evidence on the harmsul effects of the compound vaccines such as DTP and MMR and more so the more recent super vaccines. One of the lawyers included it as a case history in one of her books and (I think) in a couple of articles.

Again, a good example of the power of the massively powerful pharmaceutical corporations and how the medical profession and governments fall in line to lick their shoes irrespective of hard evidence that shows that their vaccines can have detrimental affects and that the long term effects are thus also unknown so ignored until, like for instance thalidomide, they will deal with it after the event.

Compulsory vaccination is also contrary to all human rights principles, which I know as a professional, but in no instance known to me, including the case I brought, has any court acknowledged that.