Anyone read Chinese?

Add to that the complication that if it is a pic from Urumchi or somewhere in the Tarim basin then it may be a Uighur name turned into Han Chinese…

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:blush: the obvious thing to do, that I thought of LAST!, is to ask a Chinese tourist resource. I posted a note to one such, early this morning…
Google and the rest, make detective investigation interesting and quite easy, for idle moments.
The www was where I discovered my Grandfather filed (by mistake in the Home Office) as a “wife of a dead German”. When there was no other evidence to be found, that he was German at all.

Just received this from my cousin, for those interested. Thank you all.

Thanks to everyone who answered my request regarding my Chinese writing on my frames…for those pps who are interested

The first one is “Wan Shou shan Ding Ming lake” means long life mountain bright lake.

The second one is
" Hangzhou Xian Xian sih"
Means Hang province sages’ shrine.


and for anyone else wishing to translate or ask questions about chinese, try Stack Exchange Chinese Language site