Anyone totally clued up ref RUBBISH rules?

Now youve made me laugh.

Its good to ...doubt ... seriously...everything that sounds suspect..

Do not be gullible.

Never take any statements on trust alone!

.... my.. simply declaring ..that I do not have a collection service to the house... by no means demonstrates the truth in the idea!

The village has a collection service... I thought I already said...I live too far from the road to make use of it. The trucks are much too big to drive to my house, and I have discussed it with the bin men, who would not consider the trip to my door.. for a moment.

It means leaving my bins a long way away, perhaps half a kilometre..up on a narrow road where my rubbish has already met with disaster on several occasions...

as I said...strewn around absolutely everywhere... twice,

and less thoroughly strewn, by dumpster diving animals of diff kinds.

Its not a good feeling... coming home from a work trip and discovering the otherwise spotless and quiet hamlet... looks like a pig sty where my bins were supposed to have been emptied. Certainly .. one cannot expect the bin men to clean up the road well as empty the bins..

Thank you for the information...!!

I will check it out...this afternoon.

Rubbish isn't collected from my house either - that's normal in France, you take it to the nearest bin...!

Thank you Alex for this post...

As I said.. the waste generated in my so minimal, that I manage it myself without any need to use the collection service. All waste water etc is controlled by the river the river is close by.

If you find your own garbage unmanagable... then I suggest you look into ways of consuming less.. and buying less packaged goods. Certainly...the supermarkets have millions of tons of junk to share with you, if you like taking it home.

It is really quite consume less and make minimal garbage.


I am obliged to do that in any case ...because the collection service does not collect from my house.

All compostable material goes on my compost heap, the rest can be fuel for my log burner. Metal containers saved up for the metal recycle compant ...who would actually pay me...if I could be bothered to save assiduously...enough cans. Bottles for the bottle bank. But most waste is useful waste and I have two good compost heaps.

from what you say it isn't even worth applying, Jeanette. You just have to cough up like the rest of us! ;-)

I dont think it has ever occurred to me, to leave rubbish...


My garbage was distributed over the road, when I left it... *according to the regulation packaging of the in the appropriate sack, supplied by the company, beside the bin, also supplied by the company*.

You think I carelessly dumped it there, from reading my previous post?

Then it was not clear enough.

If/when I used the bin in the past...there was no way to check what happened to it.

Twice finding my rubbish strewn everywhere, from both sack and tipped-over bin..(on the edge of a narrow road) ...was two times too much. Having my bin used as a public trash bin, was too much likewise.

Theres no way for me.. to make sure the garbage is safely stored beside the road.

No, I do not use the communal rubbish bins, except the bottle banks infrequently.

I do not need to.

I keep a compost heap for all compostable materials, buy very few packaged goods.. and no magazines at all. Metal containers are saleable scrap a large recycling company, close to where I shop. please tell...???

which department is it... that supplies the exemption attestations?

if there really is no service where you live (which I very much doubt) then you can argue your case, see below:

Propriétés concernées par la TEOM

La taxe concerne les propriétés suivantes :

Elle ne s'applique pas dans les situations suivantes :

  • propriété exonérée de taxe foncière,

  • local situé dans la partie de la commune où ne fonctionne pas le service d'enlèvement des ordures ménagères (zone dite hors périmètre), sauf délibération contraire de la collectivité.

  • immeuble muni d'un appareil d'incinération d'ordures ménagères (la liste des immeubles concernés est affichée en mairie), sur délibération de la collectivité (exonération totale ou partielle)

and see here for more info, but I think it's a long shot...!

If you live in the house, you generate waste (water/rubbish, etc), no matter how low level. Waste treatment is a communal responsibility, so the commune, via the Trésor Public, or Hôtel des Impôts levies a tax based on a number of criteria - everyone who lives in a house/flat/building/residence (not sure about caravans, camper vans, or mobile homes though, unless deemed permanent dwellings) has to pay, why shouldn't you ?

If you want to contest the amount, then go to your tax office and ask them to explain/justify the rates applied, or file a petition with the local administrative court. It will cost you more than 200 E...

no you can't just leave your rubbish anywhere, you need to put it in the nearest communal bins - big wheely bins dotted around the countryside, depending on where you live. Yes, in Alsace they pay according to what they throw away but the system costs a fortune to install! the rubbish is like what the water rates used to be - it costs X so divide that by the number of users and each user pays Y regardless of what they use/throw away etc. ;-)

Thank you for your thoughts, Andrew...

However I need to see more clearly... how it keeps society turning... to pay for services I do not use..My small amount of litter is easily self managed.

It seems to me to be keeping Smitcom (the rubbish collection company), I suppose a privately run company......turning pretty well... for everyone to be obliged to pay up.. whether they use the service or not... but If you obtained an exemption attestation for an empty a house where no one was using the rubbish collection service... I dont think it should be impossible for everyone else ... *not using the service*... to get exemption attestations of their own..

It is not just that I am not using the service.. but that I cannot use the service...

Leaving any bins up beside the road unattended, a long way from my house..does the society no good at all!

Even if there was a place to put them..

I tried it in the past and became a kind of public litter bin...on one hand and

public menace ...scattering garbage (wind, cows, tractors) on the other.

I would gladly hand over the dosh to charity..

I will not be forced to pay for services I do not and cannot use.

as far as I'm aware, if you live in the house then you have to pay for the taxe d'ordures ménagères just like you have to pay taxe d'habitation. I once didn't have to pay (both taxes) for an empty property once I got an attestation stating that it was empty and unfurnished etc. It's just another tax that has to be paid to keep society turning. You have to pay for the good of society - J-J Rousseau and being forced to comply so that you're free within society...

I could.....fill the place up a bit... with F U R N I T U R E... from the recycle shop...20 quid would do it..

do you suppose...that would do... to offer to the huissieres blokes?

IF, IF, IF its true Im obliged to pay...!! How can that be so, if so.......?

I hope theres a legal bod out there who can say at once... NOOOO of course not... just write a letter to a or b department and say, NO... more clearly this time......??