Are we unusual in getting attached to vehicles?

My then wife and I honeymooned in India and Nepal - 2 weeks in each using public transport and of course feet for trekking in the Himalayan foothills. I found Indian cities too much but loved Nepal and it’s people. We took a bus from the border to Katmandu. We were happy it was dark as we were unable to se all the burned out vehicles that had tumbled down the gorges. Wonderful experience.

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I always feel that it’s wonderful to have memories like those as you can really feel that you were there again…not just the things you have a photo of.

Unlike photos, deep feelings and memories don’t fade so easily, I’ve only a couple of photos of the car I posted about, but have many vivid memories.

Aaah, we cried when we took the Xantia to the scrappies… Should have had her overhauled instead of spending 5k on Land Rover repairs… But I wouldn’t part with my current BX. Still mourn the demise of the first one, at 283000 miles.

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We had one of them too - we sold it when we moved back to Oz which was sad as I did really like it! In fact my life has been almost all Citroens!
1st car - 2CV (will NEVER forgive selling that - got nothing for it and all because I was too scared to drive to France in it!)
2nd - BX
3rd - Xantia
A bit later C4
We now have 2 Fiats!

All the way from OZ, I am not surprised you got scared, wet as well :yum::wink::smile:

We said goodbye to ours last week….has been a faithful workhorse so would have liked her to go on for longer.

How odd, most people’s memories do fade over time but the sight of a photo no matter how faded can bring them back to life!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: that would have been a good excuse but alas it was only Warwickshire :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It may come as no surprise to a certain member here, whose friends are interested in buying my trusty Berlingo, that I am very loathe to part with a car which has been such a good companion over so many years (13), so many kilometres (approaching half a million) and so many countries (12).

But I will, if they want it, as it is just silly to have it sitting in the garden doing nothing. Ever since our backup for shopping, the electric trike, replaced it in our need not to be completely isolated. :wink:

Sad though. :slightly_frowning_face: