Are you feeling the pinch?

I knew some people who did this- when they did get back given the rise in the £, fall in the Euro , general stagnation in property prices in France etc all they could afford was a trailer home in East Anglia and I would prefer not to have to do that. Another couple went back to the UK to be nera to the family, grandchildren etc, who immediately decamped and left the grandparents somewhere they wouldn't have been.

thank god I'm just running a business here and don't have all those retiree/pension things to think about (but plenty else within the french system!) Obviously I can't give any info on all those retired expats, mine's more info from an immigrant's perspective! all I know is that I need to count on the state taking around 50 to 60% of what I earn in one way or another in direct taxation. Then if we start looking at indirect taxation...! :-O

At the end of the day, Elizabeth's question is too vague and vaste to answer clearly!

Andrew I think that it is important to realise that those of us who live in France but are retired and to a large extent living off investment income earned in the UK first of all pay tax in the UK. The rate depends on the income and tax credits are applied in France. However the French then charge social charges on investment income earned and that also includes payment to alleviate French national debt. So therefore the total "tax" take starts upwards. Add to that the horrors of ISF (wealth tax) which is applied in France but not at all in the UK. This applied to Trust assets as well even if like me the trust assets are not mine to sell. You therefore then have to think about paying French wealth tax out of your income which has already been taxed in the UK and possibly in France too. There are circumstances where you may have to pay a straight tax on trust assets as well. This is one reason why many wealthier people leave France. If Hollande loses the next election the thresholds (currently starting when the total assets exceed 1.3 million euros but tax applicable from assets of 800000 euros). Bearing in mind that UK assets have to be declared in euros with the falling euro and increasing values in London then it's easy to be caught. If you don't declare the fines are steamy. London prices are now dropping after a hefty rise over the last two years.

Wages are too low, but the "economy" (a fictional thing composed of numbers counted in a certain way) can't afford more. Or so we are told. However it can afford more for the rich. In the UK the wealthiest 1000 people/families doubled their wealth by some £271 billion in the last 10 years. An average increase in the individuals wealth from £271 million to £542 million (I quote from memory so stand to be corrected) and that is after all their spending during those 10 years. Including over the biggest recession known. That £271 billion would have wiped the national debt methinks.

which impôts are you talking about? Impôts aren't that high in France, it's charges sociales that are astronomical for those of us who work/run businesses here - I pay almost 50% charges sociales on what I earn then impôts on top of that but the impôts are far less, even 0€ (depending on your family situation and your earnings (not on sunshine though!!!)) ;-)

UK or France, if you're talking about France then 0€ - they're professions libérales and earn what they can make the same as other non salaried professionals ;-)

Sans domicile fixe = homeless

How are les impots calculated?

I heard the location is the key, and even sunshine is evaluated.

Good for you Simon, I admire you terrifically. Do you have any hints and tips for the rest of us "spenders" on how to improve our lifestyles for self-sufficiency?

Yes, you got it. A great motivator

Oh yes, Philip Morris bank on the kids in new nations and even have special formulae specifically aimed at them

What is an SDF

Reply by Simon Armstrong 2 hours ago

"Always makes me smile when I see the phrase 'flat screen telly' ! I don't think we've been able to buy any other kind for quite some time.... "

Snap, Simon. Many of the B&Bs in Aberdeen (Scotland, not Florida) proudly announce the rooms have "colour TV". They don't specify if they're flat -- a surprising omission.

How much do doctors make, I.e. Local GP on salary from govt.

What is an SDF?

How many people in your family?
How do you charge your computer?
Do you have a phone?
How do you pay your bills?
Do you use wood-burning stove?
Where do you buy food?

It would be wonderful to live on 3,000 per year

I don't know any political system which did not installed straight after it comes to power cigarette factories and breweries, - communist, capitalist and dictatorships alike. Some are even encouraging gambling casinos and call it business.

I have friends here who own their house and live off a single UK state pension. They afford a reasonable lifestyle. They want to return to the UK but are having to wait until they sell their home as their pension would only cover the rent on a small home in the UK, they would have nothing left for everyday living. Their hope is to sell their house here and use that money to rent for as long as it lasts, they predict that that will be 10 years, allowing them to use their pension income for food, clothes and the occasional luxury that they enjoy here. What happens in 10 years time is anybody’s guess.
I hope that their plan comes together and they manage to get back to the UK as they believe that they will be much happier there but I still think that it is a high price to pay. Inflated property prices and year on year rent increases in the UK may suit some people but they are a real burden for the not so well off.

I usually inherit my tellys (the bulky type) so I honestly don't know what the norm is for new ones ;-)

yes, Billy, but there's something wrong with the system (pointed out by most notable french economists who call for reforms too) when you can "earn" more on benefits than in a job paid the smic (my employee's case, like so many others) and when you realise that Mohammed Merah's ex is on 2500€ a month from the state and doesn't work... je ne sais plus où on va, mais on y va tout droit! on marche sur la tête!!!