Bilingualism is good for your brain

Then there’s the delightful Elizabeth

and the charming Elisa …

Oh stop it, one Nelly is enough. :smiley: Too easy to get mesmerised and stop listening. :smiley:

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I hope repeated viewings will get me past being ‘mesmerised’ by Sandrine Bonnaire in ‘Les Confidences Trop Intimes’. I have seen it 3-4 times already but at long intervals, so she has come across in all her fragrance anew with each viewing.

Nelly is almost too fragrant, and I feel slightly uncomfortable ‘using’ her as a source of learning. Which is weird really.

'tis true. I know what you mean. But when I stop being susceptible to the charms of a beautiful woman I shall know it’s time to “hand in my dinner pail”, as P G Wodehouse often wrote. :smiley:


Would I be correct in thinking you’re single? That would probably make a difference.

Yes :slight_smile: Although a long way past my sell-by date in relation to Nelly :smiley:


If you like fragrance and food the person you need to watch is Julie Andrieu who acc to a foodie and francophone UK friend of mine is marvellous (I think so too but my criteria are probably a bit different).


A pal told me that when sitting outside in Copenhagen having coffee with his late 80’s dad, the old chap would say, as a Danish sweetie walked past, "I still like to see them … "

Indeed, one must get a grip, get past the :nerd_face: point and concentrate on the tuition … he says.

I don’t recall if it was Elisa, Nelly or Elizabeth but something went in one ear and stayed put.

I’m watching ‘Confidences Trop Intimes’ and heard the female lead, trying to unzip her raincoat, say, “Chuis bloqué”

Chuis! Just like they say the FR say for ‘je suis’!

And when I was told to pay €2.99 the absurd quatrevingtdixneuf didn’t have to be reprocessed. First time ever.

Things are coming along.

Annoyingly, tho’ the disk settings give ‘Aucun’ for subtitles, they’re there iin Eng and, despite setting everything on the TV and player to FR, I can’t get rid of them.

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I found this chain on YT (well, it was suggested, I think), by a woman who talks about books:

I don’t know about bi-lingualism being good for the brain, but, as since the advent of my excellent hearing aids recently I am much more willing to take part in French conversations, I have found that my memory at least continues to deplete.

This morning I went to the local post office to post 2 letters and take some cash out. I was a bit up against it timewise because it shuts at 11 on a Saturday and I had to wait for the aide soignante to get Fran up before making her porridge. (Fran had some too btw)

When I got there I realised that I had forgotten my bag, so drove back home and back again. Made it but then, in response to the lady asking the annual question about ID I told her my phone was in the car. It wasn’t, it was in the bag, recently retrieved, on the counter. I gave her the number and put it away but she miscued and asked for it again. I had to get it out again because in that 2 minutes I had forgotten the number.

I then went to the big village, 4 kms away, and bought a piece of cod (good for the brain :roll_eyes:) from the stall outside the bar and then went in to chat to the chaps. Once back in the car I travelled the 4 kms to the camping car place near the river to give Jules his walk. While he was getting excited about the prospect I discovered as I grabbed my bag which has his recall treats in, the ordonnance that I was supposed to hand over at the pharmacie for my essential pills.

So after profuse apologies to my canine companion who howled even louder than before, I retraced the 4 kms to the pharmacie and then decided to boost my brain power by venturing a little joke to the young assistant, in French, of course. As I listed my needs I added, jocularly, ‘and something for my failing memory’ please. Imagine my surprise when an extra box appeared on the counter after her return. She really had found something to help my memory. :astonished: :joy: Happily everybody laughed at the joke. :rofl:

In anticipation of the animal-loving backlash to this post, may I assure you all that Jules did finally get his walk by the river. :grinning: