Bread Machines

That’s what I discovered this week - especially sourdough that’s a few days old… :grin:

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I’m glad someone else said it. I’ve never had sourdough that was actually enjoyable to eat - as heavy as rye, but without the flavour. While we all have our own preferences, it’s not for me.

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If you use brain over brawn
You spend little time
There is no cleaning up afterwards
And the bonus is you get a superior-tasting loaf as well :slight_smile:

Hmmm, taste’s differ. There is something about most bread machine loaves I’ve tasted that doesn’t sit well with me. I think it is too insubstantial.


We have a superb artisan baker in the next village, under 2kms, but he’s only open Tues and Thurs 4-7pm. We also buy from another very fine one in Figeac on Saturday mornings, about 25mins drive away). There’s a couple of others closer too. (but it’s seldom necessary to buy from them - they’re artisanal, but not in the same league as our favourited).We buy sufficient to freeze and see us through the days when we can’t don’t have fresh bread.: this system works well.

A bread machine can simulate the appearance of artisanal bread, but it can’t produce anything that tastes like pain au levain from a professional wood-fired oven.

Yes, same here. I do have a bread machine though, only ever use it to mix and do the first rise of the dough. Would never go any further than that with it.

I don’t eat much bread, but when I do, I bake it in my instant pot duo, using the air fryer bake function - works well and far less elec vs the oven :+1:

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Very likely nothing else can, including any kind of domestic or industrial oven.

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Just as well, if a bread machine could get that hot, it’d probably melt and make a rather unpleasant mess on the kitchen worktop - and the bread wouldn’t taste that good either…

I think some of you are talking about full cooking in the bread machine. This photo clearly shows a mixed in machine, baked in oven loaf, which looks lovely!

Hi toryroo, this is all handmade, the only machine I sometimes use is my trusty Kenwood chef if I’m doing a long knead, all mixed and shaped by hand.
Like this one :slight_smile:


No machine involved Dr, all handmade using a Poolish plus a 24-hour bulk ferment

The way the thread developed and your comment implied that you used a bread machine!

HaHaHaHa I see where you’re coming from, I only make by hand or my old Kenwood if long kneading is needed

I’d never heard the word poolish until now! I know it as a ‘starter’. The same thing I guess. I’m going to try a poolish along with my Kenwood for long kneading, as my loaves are generally too heavy. I love the seeds idea too.