Brexit - Article 50. A deeper issue

Fair point Anna.

I could but I don’t choose to. Says it all really.

You have your view David and I have mine. I respect yours even though I do not agree with it. I am not interested in trying to persuade you to change why do you assume the right to try to change mine. It doesn’t matter now anyway.

I am more interested in tracking the exchange rate at the moment than in this “discussion”

My contribution is at an end.

The Pound is approx. as low as it was in 2008 but in the short term the UK will see significant inflationary costs passed onto the consumer through increases in import prices of raw materials, products and services priced in US dollars and Euros.

The potential effect is to reduce demand, increase unemployment and since Gov’t revenues are already under pressure the reduced tax income will result in an even bigger deficit than the one forecast.

What the economic impact of Trump economics will be nobody knows but not likely to be positive as he is seemingly bent on a tariff war that, if it replicates the 1930’s, will lead to a world wide economic down turn.

This article in the Independent today is another pointer that the transition will not be easy.

I have posted before, we will only know the short term consequence of Brexit by the middle of 2017 as by that time Article 50 will have been delivered, negotiations started and the markets will have had time to reflect.

We will see the medium term impact by the mid 20’s ± 2/3 years.

Of one thing I am certain by that time the EU will still be chugging along, arguably all the better without the UK as a member, reformed I am by no means certain, but there is hope that Brexit will have been a sufficient wake up call for the political elite to act.

But as you say Michael the deal is done, there is no going back, so let us think about Xmas and goodwill to all men, maybe even Brexiteers!

Or is that going to far?

No, we are commanded to love everyone and that is what I will do!

I have not tried to change your mind just understand it. All I have asked for is any proof to show that voting Leave was anything other than a patriotic decision.