Brexit - here's a good read from a French insider's perspective!

It shows that IDS did not like people who had chosen to live in other member states of the EU.
In his view UK pensioners in France were easy meat for his fraud.
He wouldn’t get away with taking WFP from those in Cornwall and Devon, but UK citizens who live in Brittany and Normandy, where the weather in winter is about the same, were fair game.

Doing my French lesson this morning and along came this,
Ne tourne pas le dos à L’europe!

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The rules on voting are the same whether you live in St Malo or Sydney - nothing to do with our membership of the EU.

In fact those in receipt of a UK state pension in the EU are better off than, say, those in Australia as the government pays index-linked increments to the former but not the latter.

OK, those living in France are denied Winter Fuel Payments, as are those living in Spain and a few other southern EU countries - and I would agree that there is not much difference between a Cornish and Breton winter.

BUT, you are being denied a WFP payment because you live in France, just the same as you would if you lived in Spain or Australia - this is notthing to do with EU membership which is the point of debate here. If you lived in Germany then I believe you do get the WFP.

And Italy.
I do not agree, the figures for France were adjusted to include Caribbean and Indian ocean islands.

I did agree that withholding the WFP for France is dodgy, but the question was whether anyone has been disadvantaged by our EU membership, not simply by moving abroad and the fact that IDS is a tight ****.

I actually wrote the following in answer to you calling me an enemy!

“I am not enemies with anyone, I am merely, like you, making my contribution to this discussion.
When you say the Brits were invited to vote it was only those Brits who ‘qualified’ leaving many of us in Europe without a say in a very important referendum. Hardly fair or democratic was it ?”

And this - " Well that really takes the biscuit,someone having the hypocrisy to complain about EU immigrants in Britain when he lives here full time as a EU immigrant in France.
I wonder if his French neighbours consider that he is spoiling their village by living there !

You reply with an extract about Lithuranian bakery workers and by sayning that if numbers of immigrants were too great the home population began to feel uneasy!

I rest my case and abide by my comments regarding British settling in large areas of the Dordogne and how the French may feel about that!

You are not my friend nor my enemy, in fact I am now choosing not to reply to you as I can’t be bothered !

Me too Nellie but this particular poster doesn’t appear to like anyone joining in the discussion who may have different views from his.

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It’s becoming all too common

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IMO IDS has a hatred of anything European and because we were in the EU we were top of his list.

Seems fair enough to me.

I despair of this uk government.


There seems to be the persistent attitude that, because we are British, somehow the world should still tug its forelock, bow down and acquiesce to our demands.

When on earth are they going to wake up and smell the coffee?

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When future generations of schoolkids learn about Brexit in their history lessons, I wonder whether it’ll be told as a copybook illustration of the dangers of supercilious arrogance, or will there be a conspiracy theory that the other countries were thrown into a panic at the thought of the mighty UK becoming even mightier, and sneakily invented all kinds of obstacles to put its path?

Without comparing the UK to Ancient Rome, there do seem to be parallels with the fall of Rome - weak leadership, conflict within the government, political corruption, a divided society with a widening gap between rich and poor…


I firmly believe there will be some form of workhouse again in a few years.
It’s dreadful.

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Hmmm, interesting observation

And panem et circenses in the shape of reality tv shows, that dancing competition etc


Maybe TM will be remembered as the prime minister who danced whilst the UK imploded :roll_eyes:

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They have this attitde that like Moses , a metaphorical Red Sea will open before them and they will walk through to the promised land.

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It’s ok…………….to go with the Blue Passport there will be a Brexit 50p coin… bring it on

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It’s beyond belief that “they” are bringing out a special coin to commemorate the biggest clusterfuck in british history. Got to be fake news…hasn’t it?