Brexit means Brexit means Doom and Gloom

Ah, but the way things are going, it won’t be British fish.


And it is starting for real…

This just in from my bank this morning - needless to say the tarifs have changed upwards rather than downwards… :slight_smile:

À compter de novembre 2020, les tarifs de notre offre de virements internationaux en ligne évolueront. Vous trouverez les nouvelles conditions tarifaires ci-après. Si vous souhaitez refuser ces nouvelles conditions tarifaires, vous pouvez résilier, sans frais, votre convention de compte de dépôt avant le 01/11/2020. À défaut de notification écrite de votre part en ce sens, les nouvelles conditions tarifaires s’appliqueront.

How dare you - it is just Project Fear.
Which seems to be becoming reality.

An interesting viewpoint on how Financial Services will be impacted by Brexit
and another on how to measure the “benefits”

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So, the blame game continues…
Oven ready but the UK is still being stuffed :roll_eyes:

British shellfish exporters will have problems getting their catches to France and Europe if there is No Deal as the amount of licences for haulage are strictly limited.

About 11,000 applicants for just over 1000 licences wasn’t it?

It is going to cripple the haulage industry & not just for shellfish.

Not sure if I haveposted this analysis of how to measure the success of Brexshit before or not…

Still the odd laugh at brexiters’ expense appearing in my Facebook feed…


It just gets better and better…

And they are always semi-literate as well as having no self-awareness.


well, it brexit innit :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :expressionless:


I sometimes worry that an unintended consequence of a lot more young people going through higher education is growing resentment and feelings of inadequacy among many less well educated people, expressed as hatred of ‘the metropolitan elite’ - by which they don’t mean any real elite (such as Farage, Johnson/Cummings, etc) - just anybody with a decent education.

Yes, I fear you may well be right, and it is ironic especially as many of these ‘metropolitan elites’ are neither metropolitan, nor elite, nor (quite often) well educated at all, in spite of having some degree or other and those who resent them can probably see that and resent them all the more and put anyone with a degree from anywhere into the same basket.

The scandal is the astronomical debt young university goers are having to take on. How long before that Ponzi scheme collapses?

Nice quote from Douglas Bannister, chief executive of the port of Dover:
“I am very, very confident that there will be no disruption on January 1st, primarily because it’s a bank holiday. But January 2nd may be a different question.”


Nice to see that he retains a sense of humour.

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