British Corner Shop in Administration

“Bird’s Custard Powder. One wonders if their consumers are still around.”

Yes they are! :grin:


I went to Avignon just before Christmas and was really surprised by the number of English cheese you could get on the market there. One stall had one white and two blue Stilton, Double Gloucester, various cheddars and more. No Lancashire though :frowning:. All were proper farmhouse produce in large open truckles.

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I imagine Brexit must have been a nightmare for them.

It seems to be really regional. When we have been on holiday, especially in the south and south-west we have found cheese and even pork pies and Brinjal pickle. No such luck here at home in Calvados.

Where there is an anglophone community there will be pickle!


It’s also going to be a nightmare for speciality foods travelling in the other direction - with the UK finally implementing standards checks (paperwork first, then physical inspections) it’s going to be uneconomic for delicatessens in Britain to import small quantities of cheese, saucisson etc from Europe. It might even put some out of business.

Regarding Marmite, I seem to recall seeing some in the Super U in Loudun in Vienne in September, though I didn’t buy any as I was only there for a week. I think it’s more available than it used to be.

When I lived in Turks and Caicos, Graceway supermarket used to bring in a container of UK specialities about once every three months - as soon as the stuff appeared on the shelves the word went round the island like wildfire and all the Brits came out of hiding to snap it up - the marmalade was gone within a day or two! :smiley:


Which reminds me, I must buy Seville oranges tomorrow while still in season, thank you.

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Avec plaisir!

I got all excited about The Trading Post, but doesn’t look like they deliver up north!

Have you tried Lidl’s Saveur de Régions Corsican clementine marmalade/jam Its absolutely delicious and jam packed full of fruit with hardly any runny juice Around €3/pot but well worth it compared to other supermarket “marmalade” style conserves.

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We have made 15kg! We tend to buy extra sevilles and put them in the freezer for the year after. Bit of a glut…

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OH always wants home made seville marmalade.

I quarter and freeze them for use in savoury Spanish dishes - combine well with saffron, fennel seed and tomatoes for chicken or pork dishes.

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You lot think finding Marmite an issue, try Vegimite - impossible :rofl:

But who would want to :joy:


You should see it round here, lemon,orange,clementine and other citrus fruit trees just loaded and left to rot mostly. People don’t seem interested in eating the fruits, rather have them as ornamental trees. I helped myself to some lemons hanging over a fence into the street where my family lives, the people there never pick them but I made use of them in my G&T and sliced for the freezer laying with cooking paper to stop them sticking together, so handy for sangria or G&T drinks.

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Me!!! :rofl:

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I actually like Vegimite too. Last time I saw Marmite in Carrefour it was around €6/tiny jar - you can keep it for that!

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Just ask,
Vegemite 220g - Two Pack, Australian Import